While the essence , yes deed….

While the market is looking around, like a gopher on the sides, я приведу интересные quotes, which are probably known to many, but it does not hurt to once again penetrate into the depth of what has been said.

1. Don't climb someone else's mountain, climb your own.
2.Know your place- and you will always be the first.
3.A soldier needs to dream of being a general not to become a general, but to become a good soldier.
4. Don't look for mushrooms, look for the forest , where are they found. There the mushrooms themselves will be found.
5.A spiritually empty person does not tolerate loneliness and communicates, to take.
6.Happiness is heavy,and when it falls on the weak, then at best it will roll off him, at worst crush.

7.There are many reasons,hindering happiness, but three of them are basic - fear, envy and guilt. And they are all in the person himself.
8.There is only one reason to be upset - a stop in personal growth..
9.Do you want to get rid of envy- don't look at those, who is taller than you, but compare yourself to yourself.
10.Don't be afraid to make mistakes - failure in 7 times more useful than success.

Born from the comments

P.S. To be afraid of difficulties and to be afraid to make mistakes and to fall means to steal your own life from yourself..

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