Why do you all need a job?

Hello, friends!

So I decided to write a new post for you on a relevant topic.… Brewed teguanin…

It's about work. For hire.

Recently I read a book by Steve Pavlina about personal growth.

The book is interesting and useful.

I became interested in the author and climbed on his blog, which is conducted in English, which is not surprising. After all, all advanced experience is now available only to the English-speaking population., we have to wait 5-10 years, until they translate something for us. By the way, here is a fresh article about that, How to learn English for free. I have already started to study it in the cinematic way =)

So here.

Steve recently posted a blog post, which is dedicated to his personal attitude towards employment. Post negative. If I'm not mistaken, there was something like 10 доводов в пользу того, that you need to work only for yourself and avoid work «on uncle». Because work — this is steupid! So he wrote:

Getting a job and trading your time for money may seem like a good idea. There’s only one problem with it. It’s stupid! It’s the stupidest way you can possibly generate income! This is truly income for dummies.

I confess, such radicalism says, that the author chose the wrong path and instead of broadening his horizons and adopting a balanced position on this issue, based on my experience, makes decisions for everyone.

It costs nothing to break his arguments — they are far-fetched and far-fetched.

Although I can believe, what a lot of people, who are sitting in an unloved job will admire those cheap statements about a free life, unlimited opportunities and passive earnings, which only the lazy does not juggle now.

I can compare.

5 years I worked at work, after which almost 5 years — stayed at home, enjoying and passive earnings, and your favorite pastime and unlimited possibilities =)

And now, with great pleasure, I will plunge into work again. «on uncle».



1. Work provides you with a livelihood. Without money and food, you will be lost. I'm not talking about the villagers now, who feed themselves to, what livestock and vegetables / fruits are kept. Even they need money to pay bills, utility costs, fuel and feed purchase, лекарств, продуктов питания.

2. I may like work! For some reason, it is generally accepted, that employment is necessarily associated only with negativity. It is nonsense. People wake up and happily run to work, because then, чем они занимаются — brings satisfaction.

3. At work, you can fulfill your ambitions, moving up the career ladder, набираясь опыта, знаний. Talk about some work restrictions «on uncle», that keep your potential from reaching — глупо.

4. Work broadens your horizons. Well here I am almost 5 I've been sitting at home for years, I work from scrap then, when you like, but I really understand, what i need now to get to work, where can I learn something new, because not all knowledge and experience can be learned from books and the network.

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5. Communication! At work, you are surrounded by a team. And at home you are surrounded only by pets. AND, confess, there is a great risk of getting bored with each other and getting tired of everyday life. I already wrote about this in an ancient article «Trading in an apartment at home — not an option«. Chat with people, expand your social circle! Не впадайте в крайность, obsessing over online forums and virtual friends.

6. Work disciplines! Rise in 6 morning, lunch on schedule, two days off, for which you need to plan things, vacation, which needs to be done correctly… All this contributes to, what man, even being unassembled — learns to live measured, understandable life. It fosters such qualities in itself, as will, Perseverance, time management, etc..

For example me, for these 5 years, rested, relaxed, and has largely lost the disciplinary component, but now I've come to that, that discipline and a clear plan should be in the life of every person, who wants to achieve something.

7. No need to rack your brains and look for yourself. When you have a job — you are already on your way, which can be roughly described for years to come. Карьерный рост, financial plans, retirement, accumulation program. Understandably, that everything happens in life and you can lose your job, but anyway a bad plan is better, than its complete absence.

I have, for example, breakdown began due to lack of work, associated with self-identification and finding oneself. It's a painful process, when you have no plan and no one thinks for you. You have to decide everything yourself and determine yourself — кто ты, what are you and where are you going. A very painful condition, need to say.

8.Social guarantees. The same Steve Pavlina does not know, what will happen to him and his website, how through 5-10 years, there will be a situation with its subject. Will he turn from a sought-after author — in a sucker, and whether its resource will continue to generate income. It may well be so, that she will be in a situation, when will he go to look for work.

There are people, and me included, who were able to leave work, which does not suit them. They created their own business or internet resource, like my blog, который дает прибыль. And this is where the feeling arises, that you grabbed God by the beard, became a great entrepreneur, that broke the barriers and frameworks of conventions and reached a new level! A halo around your head and gray and wretched people are drawn after you, that still suffer under corporate yoke. And you, like the messenger of heaven, with your pointing finger, give them a reference point — look at me, people, reach for me, here is the WAY!

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This is very bad. Ego goes off scale. At this moment, cheap slogans about free for 100% time, unlimited financial possibilities, absence of someone from above, suppressing his beautiful soul at his previous job. All these are complexes and inadequate perception of the world..

Under this brand, you can even find some thread a well-aimed quote, reinforcing effect, for example

Work is the last refuge of those, who can't do anything else.
Оскар Уайльд

ABOUT! Oscar Wilde himself said so, тогда конечно

This Oscar should be kicked in the neck for such provocations =)


Try to avoid those people, who behave like this. Just walk by and have your own view of things. Again — all these grandiloquent words and phrases — a sign of a sick personality and low self-esteem, expressed in off-scale ambition.

Я так скажу — if all people quit their jobs and start building websites, projects, startups and will supposedly work for themselves — the world will collapse. Because there'll be no one to teach the kids or sweep the streets, factory drill details, dig the ground.

I remember one incident, which happened to me, when i still «работал на работе». Some guy came up to me. Seemingly healthy, молодой, dressed normally. And asked for money. На что, it's clear, got an answer, that he already needs to earn himself. And this guy is answering me, that the word work comes from the word slave, and he does not want to be a slave under any circumstances, because he is such a highly spiritual person, who listens to her heart and lives by other principles, inaccessible to the understanding of pitiful people, selling their lives for pennies.

Briefly speaking, this guy was brutally sent by me. May his principles feed him, это справедливо.

Sorry guy. After all, if he is not fed and given clothes, he will die in 3 of the day. I think, that life was given to us in order, so that we learn to live, earn, so that we can be held in different areas and get our experience, based on the fairest laws of Mother Nature.

Person, who survives at the expense of others, hiding behind idealistic motives — жалок. This is an empty space.

But let's still, for the sake of fairness, look at work from the other side., because it turns out that I took a completely opposite point of view of that, as outlined above on Steve's blog.

Many people whine at work, what they don't like, what are they doing, low salary, they are not appreciated and infringed, do not allow to open up. And then you can get hooked on their wave and cry to each other together, empathize and, as a result, unite in this negativity into a company of whiners.

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And you can say: Hey, Buddy, chin up! You're just out of place, if you are so good — go and declare yourself, to be offered more salary, gave a different scope of work, promoted! You and only you are responsible for your life!

There are two kinds of loafers: some work infuriates, others only whine from her.
Charles de Coster

If you don't like something — change jobs! Get an education or gain experience in that area, where you are interested and achieve your goals. Otherwise they will come, they will sit, will depart and, received his salary, put on the sofa by the telly in dreams of a better life. You know, what «Principle 9-0-6″? Came at nine, zero did, left at six.

A lot comes to Trading and on forex such people, who think not having taken place anywhere, that everything will definitely work out in the financial markets. Read about my attitude towards such traders here

Я только ЗА, if a person, working at a job you hate, strives to do something for himself and unleash his potential and when the time comes — opens his own business or changes his place of work, striving for growth.

You can even develop your project and your abilities in parallel. В сутках 24 hours and you can get a little sleep, you will not die from that, that for a couple of hours a day, take off the time from surfing in the net, games, reading the yellow press or watching TV.

Take pictures, do fitness, repair bicycles, write poetry, draw, look for yourself in that, which brings satisfaction.

Just don't whine about low salary., high prices, bad boss! This is a dead end road, which will drain all the juices from you.

Why grief kills more people, than work? Because more people get upset, чем работает.
Robert Frost

And that. Don't listen to those guys, who claim, what work — this evil. I, As a person, поработавший на работе, then leaving her and taking place in the online business, I affirm, that any radical point of view on this issue — signal of inadequacy and narrow-mindedness.

Find your way and read the following adage carefully.:

Here you, for example, juggle with four balls, which you call: "Work", "a family", "Friends" and "spirit". So here, work - rubber ball. If inadvertently you drop it, he will jump into your arms again. And all the other balls are made of glass.
James Patterson, "Roses are red"

God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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