Why does TA work?

Here they ask, and why technical analysis (AND) works?

And everything is very simple! People don't know another. I do not know of any normal explanation why the price should bounce off the channel border.. In this case, we take the situation when there is no news..

Everyone understands that the market lives by expectations, but TA is pretty predictable expectation.

I see no explanation other than that the simpler the indicator, whether it is a level or a moving average, so it works better. People are lazy by nature, и не хотят заморачиваться с индикаторами типа RSI и другими. And rightly so, because the effectiveness of such indicators will depend only on how many other traders use them.

That's why my advice, use only the simplest things, i only use levels, any housewife can understand them. And so most likely, if a person trades within the day or is going to enter the paper with minimal risks, then it is at the visible levels that actions will take place!

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