plan of 9 november

tr l sh
BVF fl 13,5 x
WORLD fl 7,8 x
CAB fl x 12,13
CLS fl 8,47 x
CMO fl 13 12,58
CNP fl 12,76 x
CSR d x 5,6
FII d x 26,2
GT fl 13,5 x
MMC fl 23,41 23,13
PWE u 17,62 x
SAW fl 9,3 x
SCO fl 13,71 x
SUG d x 19,3
THE u 14,8 x
UDR fl x 14
WNR d x 5,3

Besides, went up well last Friday BLC, OCN, TSO
way down: AAI, THE N, MF, SWC, EJ, CAL, AND, GTN
I watch them during the day for the continuation of the trend

  Interesting voice
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