Passive income

Passive income

I forgot to write, about one of the main topics, discussed at maytuse))

It all started with that, what [info]edge_mos periodically asked everyone present (traders) the same snide question:”Do you have passive income?“)

It was of course at first perceived, как какой-то “inconvenient” question”.. until the turn came to… no matter who :))) The atmosphere is easily discharged, from abstracts, what if you have no passive income – then you are a complete dumbass, no matter, how successful are you in trading at the moment…

Who do not take from successful and famous traders – everyone has passive income. During the investigation and communication with the instigator of the topic, found out in, that even the same NOXER`a (EVA) have passive income with… [I can't write what, but this is near-market)].  It would seem that… nahuya?
Personally, I used to be completely enslaved by the desire to live ONLY (принципиально) с трейдинга, because it is supposedly something, what you can be proud of and what is respected by everyone, who surrounds you. But later I realized, what it borders on common sense and rather closer to terms such as “outrageous”, “модно”, “pompously”, than to people like “rationally”, “far-sightedly”, “эффективно.

After that, like me all 2008. set records, весь 2009 I had a clean and solid drawdown! Who would have thought.. Yes, I still can't come close to my peak profitability, although at the time I thought, what it'll be this way forever))

I mean it, that you need to create your passive income just when everything is fucking awesome in trading and when you don't really need it!! Ie. когда у тебя есть ресурсы и время на аккумуляцию\раскрутку прибыли с этого проекта. That's why, that when you have a black stripe or you instantly fuck a black swan – neither one nor the other will be. Income will be needed here and now..
But if your ass is insured by stable passive gains, then you can waste no time on any bullshit, sit and deal with your trading.. what exactly broke in him.

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When I write this – I think, that only a full down does not understand this.. still kind of logical and obvious, but meanwhile, the industry managed to blind me at the initial stage…

How many did not think, I see real passive income in myself only in a separate additional real business… And that's about it., that I still have some fame in the field of growing. trading..

Every adequate Muscovite, with whom I talked tete-a-tete when I met, говорил мне:What are you slowing down, I do not understand.. you have so many opportunities to earn around the market… Are you stupid …”.  But I answer:“You only think, what's the grail.. in fact, there are no special opportunities. Teaching? Seminars? Well, there is a reason to read them only a few times a year. (2-5) otherwise, Firstly they start to interfere with trading, and secondly, the attendance itself drops sharply, if you re-read in any city.. because there are not so many large cities”..

Many are trying to promote their sites LJ, and envy my attendance, although it doesn't make sense.. Well watch me 2500 different IPs per day, taking into account that all visitors – target audience only… and that?? For 3 year I received only one commercial offer to hang a banner on, at least, medium-term basis.. and that.. by price, which is even funny for me to voice ))) Получается то, what am I, ostensibly, I am interested in my blog – is not any passive asset.. (but I confess, promotes meeting new different people)

That's why, у меня возникла new goal in trading… Make so much profit, how much is needed to create an additional real project, which will become my serious passive income .. (I already have ideas). Moreover, it is passive, ie. I would not want to switch to anything else..
But apparently for him (project), will have to earn the same million $))

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