Pamm account Invincible_trader. The last figure. Tragic

Almost two years ago I wrote about the Invincible_trader pamm account, who traded quite successfully in Alpari, but he was arrogant and always emphasized his status as a long-liver-manager. At the time of writing the first article, he was experiencing a serious loss, martingale craze. Everyone was tense then, but the market made it possible to save the deposit and investors' funds, so the management came out without a drawdown and even slightly updated the hai.

But even then it became clear, what the drain of this pamma — It's a question of time. Могу с уверенность сказать, what a successful trade — this is a set of correct principles, aimed at preserving capital, from which NEVER and UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD BE GIVEN. It's like smoking — if you throw — then once and for all. No puffs, smoking companies and other. Cut off, threw out a bad habit and forgot.

Я прихожу к выводу, that the pamm account is run by one person — unstable phenomenon. Attraction managers needed, рискменеджеры, traders, liaison agents, etc.

But our colleague preferred to do everything himself, seems to be.

And now the result — full drain.

Picture, which shows the whole story.
The maximum in management was about 2 million euros from the manager, significant amount, however, given his unstable work recently — there was no inflow of new funds.

I see it like this, that a person is used to making money, and when he is not — started taking risks. What does it mean to manage 2 millions and have no money for a carton of milk?

Maybe overworked, or tired…

4 years have passed since the discovery of pamma, but how well it all started…

A loner won't survive here, will not stretch the amount of work and load.

Unfortunately, even Petrov Ivan, who is a long-liver in Alpari and keeps three of his pamm accounts at once, shows a negative result recently. Over the past three months — minus 20%. This is no good at all. ПОсмотрите сами. I can’t take — what's the matter. Roofing felts against the market, roofing felts are averaged… This summer is generally inadequate due to the lack of major players, but it always happens, yearly. Nothing new.
In general, I remain with my opinion — a team of people is needed, united by one goal, so that such mistakes do not recur. Tough discipline, money management, clear trading system and interaction. This is what I think about now, opening your pamm.

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See, will I be able to take into account all other people's and my mistakes and previous rich trading experience.

Good luck and profits!

Ah yes, Gamma-IC merged in July, which worked and paid out funds to investors during 5 years. I met information somewhere, what could there be about 100 million dollars of investment. By and large — it was just a hype, and consequently, the finale is predictable. Although, perchance, that there was indeed trade there, but without open statistics and the ability to view the history of transactions — this is just a hypothesis.

Here is the message, which appeared the other day on the company's website:

Dear Company Clients, forced to inform, what 25.07.2013 And 26.07.2013 years on the accounts of the Company there were significant losses, as a result, it was decided to suspend the work of the Company and initiate the payment of funds under warranty obligations. With 29.07.2013 on 02.08.2013 funds will be refunded to all Clients, who made the transfer of funds for the first time, but the funds did not start trading. An action plan for organizing payments will also be developed.. With 05.08.2013 The company will begin to fulfill its obligations.

At the moment everything on the site is like this, словно ничего не произошло- maybe, the company wants to get out of the drawdown, if there was one, by attracting new funds? Do not know.

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