PAMM portfolios, week three.

Continuation. Previous part here.
so, we continue to monitor PAMM potfiles.
Let me remind you, it was decided to conduct an experiment, возможно ли заработать, by investing in PAMM accounts 100% profit net, using the principle “bought and forgot”, and compiled two portfolios. The first one was collected from accounts, the selection criteria which I described in earlier posts. Для второго, the only criterion was – aggressive management style, and three to four-digit excess returns in a short time frame.

Let's start with a portfolio “First”, or whatever I call it “People's”.

The yield for three weeks is +5,3%.

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As we see, 6 from 8 managers in the black. The only misunderstanding – serious drain on the PAMM account “”. Управляющая, left for the weekend with a serious drawdown on open positions, during Sunday rollover, frightened investors withdrew almost 50% of money, remaining, became hostages of the situation, and passed into the category of long-term, having lost most of the investments. In a different situation, I would certainly rule out “” из портфеля, because I do not accept this management style, and replaced it with another account (благо, a couple of three, in mind there is), but the conditions of the experiment do not allow it to be done. Another unprofitable PAMM – “Academy” – does not cause concern – he didn't sink much, on the general situation, does not really affect, And, judging by history, for him this is a normal working moment.
Three leaders, brought in three weeks, its investors receive the most dividends, ПАММ-счета:
“New Electronic”.
curious, which of the three, only “Classical”, is now in the top 10 of the Alfa-Forex rating.

After the first review, on Smartlabe, they wrote to me, what portfolio return “very low” for Forex. Что-ж, consider a virtual portfolio “Aggressive”, assembled from stewards, using their shoulders to the fullest.
Portfolio return over three weeks – minus 49,2%.

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Of eight accounts, only one in the black. Least, two PAMMs have already ceased to exist, taking to the bottom of the investor millions. Interesting, what at the time of creation, the portfolio includes all three Top-3 ratings of Alfa-Forex, and the total investment was more than 28 million real rubles.
Here I would like to share one observation., from life, clearly showing, why the vast majority of investors (and traders, because, psychology is the same), of forex, and futures markets. lose money. As I wrote earlier, until the last few months, PAMM were of little interest to me, and I'm hooked on the topic, because some friends, become, ища, in a crisis, new sources of income, invest in PAMMs and traders' exchanges. And I consulted someone, on portfolio compilation. so, man listens to recommendations, listens, that the share of aggressive accounts should be no more than 5-10%. Then I see the picture, that the aggressors, in the briefcase, about four, and their share is more than half (well, Sort of, Vaska is listening, yes eating). As a result, from one, a couple of days before the drain, we manage to pull out the money (return your own and interest 15-17 arrived). The second is a plus 95%, they write – deduce, naturally, funds are not withdrawn – then there is a drain almost to zero, the account is closed by the manager. The third suffers the wildest drawdown, under 80%, but fights back, we get ~ 15%+ arrived. I'm talking: “well, все понятно? Stop playing?” – “Yes, все ясно”. What follows is an amazing, irrational action: from moderate PAMMs, plus for the period from 5 to 15%, profit is withdrawn, and transferred to the PAMM aggressor, who brought the same, but experienced a drawdown, with words: “Well, you need to recoup the loss”. A curtain.

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