Tape trading

Today the charts were finally repaired and appeared at the beginning of the MOC, and in the afternoon I traded on the tape :) Intraday : In the beginning I decided to trade DJ stocks because you can see their charts in the metatrade, but an hour later I realized that nothing good would come of it and switched to ordinary shares. Trading stocks without seeing their chart within the day is a little dumb, but you can. Used a schedule of days and a ribbon of prints. Having fought back in regular promotions and reduced the day to flat, I closed before MOC. MOC: In the beginning I bought the flying up Ritz and finance, but unfortunately they turned around and closed from profit to minus. Then I only sold the Ritz, but went out on upticke. Selling the Ritz once again and having sat before the close, closed the previous minuses and closed the day in flat.

Classic trading rules, necessary for the survival of the trader

1. Plan your trade. Trade according to your plan. 2. Record your results. 3. Maintain a positive infusion regardless of your losses. 4. Don't bring the market home from work. 5. Continuously level up your goals. 6. Buy on bad news and sell on good news. 7. Don't be afraid to buy high and sell low. 8. Always have a well-planned time for market research. 9. Isolate yourself from the opinions of others..

5 place in the Top Financial Blogs

Site less than a month old, but he was already able to break into FIFTH in the ranking of financial blogs. I am glad that you like the material published here., I will try to continue in the same spirit. You can leave your wishes for the site in the "CONTACTS" section and help to make it better. Top financial blogs

Unscheduled weekend

Unfortunately on Friday I could not trade for technical reasons, but played poker and had fun :)

10 the laws of technical commerce by John Murphy

Which way the market will go? How far up or down? And when he changes direction? Here are the basic questions for a technical analyst. Besides charts, graphs and mathematical formulas, used in the analysis of market trends, there are some basic concepts, applicable to most theories, used by today's technical analysts. John Murphy, leader in technical analysis of futures markets, based on his thirty years of experience, he developed ten basic laws of technical trading: regulations, which are intended, to help explain the general idea of ​​technical trading to a beginner and simplify the trading methodology to a more experienced practitioner. These prescriptions define the key technical analysis tools., and also then, how to use them, to identify selling and buying opportunities.

Super Traders (part 2)

You can find the beginning of the story about super traders here: Super Traders (Introduction) Honestly, I have little idea, what else can a person do, worked as a trader for any length of time. Much like a drug. In the diversity and polarity of emotions and feelings, trading is close to extreme sports and fighting.. not without reason, Ancient Chinese treatises on the art of war are popular from the stock market literature. But that doesn't mean at all, what are traders in life, largely, people who are aggressive or physically strong. Not at all.. Shakes many with the wind, or sit quietly, because of the monitors, some ears stick out. Come, disassemble, what's going on there. But the market is closing, and it becomes clear, who is who. Of the other types of human activity, I would single out the following, roughly comparable to that, what a trader does: playing chess or cards (especially poker), tightrope walking over an abyss, peekaboo, attempts to prove to the whole world, what are you cool (or not an idiot), participation in Spanish bullfighting without preparation, learning chinese, sex with your worst enemy (when by agreement, when without). Целая гамма ощущений-состояний сопровождает трейдера каждый рабочий день.

Trader's trading styles

To make good money trading on the stock exchange, you need, so that your trading style matches your personal character as much as possible, circumstances, Experience. If a trader has a penchant for one style of trading, then his results in a different style will be much worse, up to negative. It's like working in a position you don't like.. Therefore, it is so important for a novice trader to know his niche in the market and act in his “own style”. Then synergy will work, and trade efficiency will go uphill. WHICH STYLE OF TRADING TO CHOOSE?

11 risk management rules for the trader

Risk control is an essential part of successful trading. Effective risk management requires more than careful monitoring of the size of the risk, but also a strategy to minimize losses. Understanding, how to control the amount of risk allows a trader, beginner or experienced, continue trading even then, when unexpected losses occur. One of the authors of articles for Stocks & Commodities offers guidance on risk control. Since every trade is subject to a certain degree of risk, applying some general principles of risk management will reduce potential loss. Some generally accepted axioms of risk control are listed below and can be applied by all., who when – either traded or is thinking about it. The rule 1: Do preliminary homework. Do your homework before the deal – it's a duty, which cannot be replaced by anything. There is a well-informed seller for every buyer, and there is a well-informed buyer for every seller. Everyone tries to maximize their profits.

Super Traders (Introduction)

Day trading with shares on the US stock market appeared relatively recently., somewhere in the mid 90s. Once the development of technology made it possible to install remote trading terminals, the first companies began to appear, offering their clients to try themselves on this, historically dotted with roses and thorns, cornfield. This was done in various forms., Certainly, not free at all. Some broker dealers, for example, offered remote access with account opening. Mostly, clients were provided with trading platforms, not for traders, and for investors for long and medium term. On the subject of opening and closing positions platforms worked slowly, but for investment speed and did not require. Opened an account, transferred money, – and forward. In this form, many companies operate to this day., and many of them are thriving.. There were other firms, offering more professional conditions directly in their trading floors. The situation in them was somewhat reminiscent of a casino.. The client comes, gives cash or personal check. Here's a computer for you – Come on! Lost money – let's have more. Not, – Come, when will. Nobody really taught clients anything. What for? Actually, такие полу-тотализаторы действовали в США ещё с незапамятных времен. Without computers of course. Calculation there, certainly, was not for professionals, but out of them came such, in the future serious people, как Ларри Ливингстон, звездный игрок Уолл-Стрит на понижение начала

Super Traders (Introduction) Read more

Zurich axioms

Max Gunther formulated the basic principles of trading, called the Zurich axioms: About risk: Anxiety – it's not a disease, but a sign of health – if you are not worried, you are not risking anything significant. Always play meaningful bets – if the quantity is so small, that his loss will not be of any significant significance, that is, probably, also will not bring any tangible profit. Resist the temptation to diversify. About greed: Always take your profits quickly enough. Decide in advance, what benefit do you want to get from the deal, and when you get this, Go out. About hope:

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