
Interesting, and what do you suggest Chinese comrades? Me too for a strong dollar, but my arms are short to influence the situation

Today 09:25am EST / 02:25pm GMT
(CH) China’s top bank regulator: the weak U.S. dollar and Fed pledge to keep interest rates low are a threat to economic recovery – Liu Mingkang, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission…..

China’s chief banking regulator said Sunday that persistently low US interest rates and a declining U.S. dollar are leading to new global economic risks.

The U.S. government’s promise to keep interest rates low for an extended period is encouraging a U.S. dollar carry trade and leading to massive speculation, Liu Mingkang, Chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, said at a financial forum.

Such conditions “are seriously impacting global asset prices and encouraging speculation in stock and property markets,” he said.

The declining US dollar poses risks to the global economic recovery, especially for emerging economies, he said.

Standing in the shower…

… I thought about trading. It's strange to get used to the feeling, what can you earn like this, doing nothing socially useful, producing nothing, without any visibility of work. And money – here they are, alive and real. And things bought for them, services they paid for. I wanted something unplanned and pleasant – stand up, and here he is, the law of embodiment in action. Mom calls on Friday, Maksim, He speaks, on the first transmission is about the exchange, experts speak, they say, that ALL money loses. In a word, had fun. Daughter dissuaded her.

Reflection. Analysis or soul-searching?

Steve just made a losing bargain. Although he has lost only 2%, he can not stop thinking about it: “What have I done wrong?” How could I have prevented the loss? “What have I missed? What does this loss mean for me as a trader? What happens next? I can manage?” Steve They reflect. He can not let go of it. He always gets stuck with the loss, many times to scroll it in his head. Reflections on past loss of not only reinforce the bad mood, but, as shown by a recent study by Dr Andrew Ward (Andrew Ward), They reflect the type of less satisfied, less confident and less able to adhere to the scheduled course.

Hike to the planetarium.

My daughter and I went to “star theater”, fortunately a stone's throw from home. We have a good planetarium, German SkyGlobe projector, comfortable chairs, not so long ago there was a renovation. Education costs less, what to watch a blockbuster – 100 rubles for adults, 70 – children, students and retirees. But I'm not talking about that. It's just that the planetarium comes to understand that, how petty our problems, care, joys and dreams across the universe. What is our life relative 14 billion light years?

Stock symbol or ticker, what it is ?

Символ акции или тикер — это короткая аббревиатура, used to uniquely identify publicly traded shares of a particular stock on a particular stock market. The stock symbol may consist of letters, numbers or combinations thereof. "Ticker symbol" refers to the symbols, which were printed on the ticker tape of the ticker tape device. История фондовых символов США В Соединенных Штатах современные тикеры, consisting only of letters, were developed by the Standard agency & Poor’s (S&P), to introduce a national investment standard. Previously, one company could have many different tickers, as they varied across dozens of individual stock markets. Термин «тикер» относится к шуму, published by ticker tape machines, which were once widely used on stock exchanges. System S&P was later standardized in the securities industry and modified over time. Preferred stock symbols are not standardized. Примеры фондовых символов США А – Аджилент Технологии C – Ситигруп БАК – Банк Америки BRK.B – Berkshire Hathaway (class B shares) КО – Компания Кока-Кола HNZ – Компания HJ Heinz МСФТ – Майкрософт ВАГ – Уолгринс ТГТ – Целевая корпорация WMT – Уол-Март MMM – 3M Company HPQ – Хьюлетт-Паккард ИНТЦ – Интел TXN — Техасские инструменты Раньше взгляд на символ акций США и прилагаемые к нему коды позволял инвестору определить, Where the shares are traded; However, in July 2007 The SEC Approved the Rule Change, позволяющее

Stock symbol or ticker, what it is ? Read more

Stock ticker

Ticker (English. ticker symbol) - short name of quoted instruments (Shares, bonds, indices) in stock information. Is a unique identifier within one exchange or information system. Used for that, so as not to constantly print in the bulletins the full name of securities or other objects of trade. A short name is usually one to six characters long and is assigned to a security when it is listed. Capital letters of the Latin alphabet are traditionally used.. These are usually abbreviations or short names. (International Business Machines — IBM), abbreviations or truncations of names (Microsoft — MSFT, RAO UES of Russia - EESR). Numeric and alphanumeric tickers are commonly used on Asian exchanges, adapted for international trade. For example, Toshiba ticker on the Tokyo Stock Exchange - 6502.

Visualization – success strategy

Many professional and ultra successful leaders in sports use the power of visualization, to reach the highest possible level for yourself. Far from “focus-pocus”, the art of visualization is fast becoming a recognized method of successful work. Most ardent supporters of visualization – Athletes, but there are also surgeons, conference, and even businessmen, who mentally represent, how they will act and react to various adverse situations, that can happen during an important meeting.

Site innovations

Soon the site will appear 2 section : MegaBlog Top Financial Blogs While They Are In Testing, but now you can take part in them. MegaBlog– – this is an amalgamation of posts from popular trading blogs . This section will allow you to track interesting topics and track popular trends in trading., understand what traders live. Already now you can leave a request in the comments to add your blog to the feed. Indicate your site address and in the near future I will add if it fits the criteria. Топ финансовых блогов аналог популярного топа stockportal’a с более жесткой модерацией, predominantly composed of active traders on various exchanges

Weekend thoughts

Suddenly found a solution. That, normally, lay on the surface. If it's hard to stop, need to switch. To do another. housekeeping, renovation, the skill of the birdhouse… The best thing to do is take profit and go shopping. (:


Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice Gives Consistency (stability).


"A trader is sitting, pips. Then here 20, then there 50 pips.
Around the crowd
going: - What… why are you buying, Why are you selling - you don't know what GDP is there, ufo and other bullshit… Where are you against the news? … really something !?
He: - Hear, men, fuck off. Tired of being smart, I just want to make money…»

The grail is simple. The more complicate, so much the worse. E=mc2 and that's it.

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