Day trading for 27 november

On this day, the US stock market – The NYSE ran a shortened session. Managed to commit 1 deal and close in positive territory. FCX : Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc Sector: Basic Materials > Industry: Gold and Silver Из за дубаев рынок открылся в большом минусе и была идея что акции откроются с большим GAP DOWN и начнут закрывать его. I wanted to buy finance, but did not have time. Everything went as I thought, stocks went up.  

Trading strategy “zero” for scalpers

I would like to tell you about a trading strategy for scallers with zero commission, which is used only by a narrow number of market participants, those who have no brokerage commission at all. I must say right away that zero commissions are available only to NYSE members, i.e.. brokers, etc.. It's not a secret for anyone that besides a specialist in the market (NYSE, NYB) there is still a lot of ECN (NASDAQ, ARCA, WHEREAS, BATS and others), that's just with the help of them you can earn. It's only about that way, which I used and we will talk about BATS. Theory of trading strategy Let's start with the theory of what trading at zero looks like in general.

Results 1 winter day :)

EPA sold in the intersession, second order for used:

Gold. Gold 1200…just tin, first tried to sell from 1198, the second time it was already difficult to sell, but the system had to open.

more adequate, which is even strange.

There were two deals for the Jew, but I scored on her today.

S&P500 mini: +4пп;
Gold: ~ + 20pp;
Oil: +30пп.

Do I love SEX…..

Certainly, but the situation is not ripe yet…..


Xexcept dollar

results: November

in general, the first month on the NYSE went to zero – first smoothly slid down on the intraday, then I realized, what's the best deal filter – ribbon. after which the intraday fell into the side. then hooked up swing trading – thanks to less than half of the swings, climbed to zeros.
activity – below average. per month 22-24 deals.

it used to be like this, what I left about after the search 20-25 shares for swing entries, who are stuck in the range daily, and found about 10-15 for intraday – but after the session I didn’t go anywhere, because. just didn't see “point, where did I understand, what to go in”. Yes – I will not climb, if I don't understand. in the second half of the month, when I was already concentrating on the tape – she really saved me in the intraday: if i saw, that there seems to be a signal to break through some target level, but the tape did not confirm – really happened like this, that either it was a false breakdown, either the price went for some miserable 15s from the breakout and either the strength faded away, or everything slowly slid back to the breakdown point.

so here's the thing, speaking about activity below average – this I emphasize the lack of understanding, how do some people manage to 10 and more intraday trades on NYSE in different stacks. It's cool – if such a number of trades leaves P / L at 1 dollar or more, but if such activity is due only to the desire for activity – then I don't understand something…

Research на 01 December

Hello, my friends! The day was not the most beautiful – the market was trading in a chaotic and multidirectional manner. There were very few trending and net stocks. Day summary: Dow +0.34%, Nasdaq +0.29%, S&P-500 +0.38%.

I had no intraday trading: leaving from Friday the ILMN shorts from level 28.93, I fixed + 85 ¢ profit in the first minutes of trading, […]

Blog about the economy of Ukraine and the post-Soviet space

5 minutes of PR.
if you don't know yet, we are with [info]rene_korda created a new blog about the economy of Ukraine and the post-Soviet space – theme as title. what is interesting to us for sure, these are questions of the shadow economy, monetary policy and general cut by macroaggregates. in the future and the topic will be wider, and more posts, and the posts themselves are more voluminous.

for example, fresh post:

Shadow in foreign trade with the CIS

Let's continue what we started in this post the topic of shadow in foreign trade. At that time we compared the data of Ukrstat and Eurostat, highlighted part of European statistics, which is not included in the Ukrainian statistics, and received, thus, shadow import and export for Ukraine. Today we will try to define in a similar way (I'll tell you right away, which is not nearly as accurate, as for the EU) shadow in Ukraine's foreign trade with the CIS countries. Our methodology will be slightly different. – The thing is, what, analyzing trade with the EU, we considered European statistics a priori more complete than Ukrainian, which cannot be said about the statistics of the CIS countries. Besides, trading operations, not included in the statistics on both sides (ie. smuggling), in the case of the EU can be considered relatively insignificant, the same cannot be said about post-Soviet trade, here the share of such operations can be very large.

and a little of that, what happened a little earlier:
Who benefits from independence?
GDP structure of post-Soviet countries
Labor force competitiveness

Yes, and efforts [info]ormuz (for which thanks again to him) there was a broadcast of EconoBlog'a in LiveJournal:

hope, what will you be interested in.

Quiet in the tape…

… and even a joyful bear rumbling is not heard :) I'm telling you, боковичок-с.
P.S. So much for you 1100 on the sputum, and even higher. The Great Megakukle hinted correctly :)

Results of the month

The first profitable month in the entire history of my trade life (:

Yes, there were very few transactions, but who said that there should be a lot of them? Yes, penny deposit, Yes, profit is even less, but something else is important to me - changes. I am changing. The most important thing is that there is no longer a desire to cut the dough quickly, it was replaced by an understanding of the need to work. You need practice that will give stability. And stability is key, she will do the rest.

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