Bundle of investment news: Peppa Pig, Tomb Raider and the collapse of European stock exchanges

Bundle of investment news: Peppa Pig, Tomb Raider and the collapse of European stock exchanges


Bundle of investment news: Peppa Pig, Tomb Raider and the collapse of European stock exchanges

Kraft HeinzKHC44,27 $

The marketing wing of a car dealership conducts a survey among car owners on the topic of subscription, fund shareholder demands Hasbro to reconsider spending, European stock exchanges go crazy at once, The Japanese are abandoning games in favor of AI.

Disclaimer: when we talk about, that something has grown, we mean a comparison with the same quarter a year earlier. Since all issuers are from the USA, then all results in dollars. When creating the material, sources were used, inaccessible to users from the Russian Federation. We hope, Do you know, what to do.

Netflix on wheels is stalling: users are not ready to pay for car subscriptions

Stellantis and other automakers have been experimenting with paid subscriptions to their car software for quite some time now.. And it looks like, that these plans will be very difficult to implement.

The marketing wing of the auto dealer company Cox Automotive shared "with hail and the world" the results of a consumer survey on this topic..

75% respondents consider, that all the capabilities of a car should be immediately included in the price of the car, and won't pay extra for anything. Only 25% expressed their willingness to pay for a subscription to various functions.

The vast majority of respondents believe, that the key functions of the car should be immediately included in the price:

  • heated and cooled seats 92%;
  • remote activation - 89%;
  • lane keeping system 89%;
  • automatic emergency braking system - 87%.

Also, most of the respondents, that Wi-Fi inside the car and assistance in finding a stolen car should also be included in the cost of transport, and not ready to pay extra money for them separately.

So the carmakers' bold hopes of having a steady stream of renewable revenue from software subscriptions may not be justified..

Peppa again: new activist campaigns against Hasbro

Against the leadership of the manufacturer of toys and board games Hasbro (NASDAQ: HAS) recently launched a new campaign. Ancora Foundation, owning 1% companies, requires her to sell Entertainment One's media division or at least part of its assets.

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Entertainment One has made quite a few films and shows, but the inhabitants of the Internet, she is known primarily for Peppa Pig. But this, Unfortunately, does not save the division from unprofitability.

According to Ancora, The money, which are now spent on it, can be spent on the development of others, more profitable divisions.

The foundation also hinted at, that the company needs to get more involved in the board games division of Wizards of the Coast, which in Hasbro is the most marginal and brings the main profit. This rhymes interestingly with Alta Fox's early campaign to develop Wizards of the Coast..

In my opinion, the inclusion of Ancora in the game here will benefit quotes. This will force Hasbro management to take action., aimed at improving the situation with Wizards of the Coast: may be, it will indeed be released to the stock exchange as a separate issuer, whose shares will grow much faster than a single Hasbro. so or, may be, Hasbro will find other ways to meet the needs of shareholders.

Flash Eurotrash: how European stock exchanges briefly went crazy

2 May c 10 in the morning CET, a number of European stock exchanges suddenly went crazy and at one moment collapsed by 5-6%, before recovering to acceptable values.

The most likely reason is a combination of a major sale of Citigroup and the negligence of one of its traders..

This kind of collapse occurs on the stock exchange much more often., what investors would like: so, in May 2010, US stock indices 90 seconds went to hell, before returning to normal. A similar crash occurred on the Singapore Stock Exchange in October. 2013: some issuers lost there 87% cost, before returning to normal.

It cannot be ruled out, that on the collapse in early May, someone was able to make good money. But who's to blame? Same way, like in the series "The Wire", Blame the system first..

Bundle of investment news: Peppa Pig, Tomb Raider and the collapse of European stock exchanges

Modern exchange trading is automated for more than 80%, which inevitably leads to such collapses, and irrespective of that, was a trader's mistake or not.

For example, trader can be sealed and instead of 10 million shares, accidentally sell 10 billion - such a large unplanned volume will logically lead to a drop in the price of the asset and start a chain reaction - the rest of the market participants will see a strong price fluctuation and sell the asset.

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But even without errors, the situation becomes vulnerable to such a fall.: все нынче стали очень «умные» и активно используют стоп-лоссы — когда при указанном проценте падения stock продается автоматически. This eventually leads to falling.: the volume of executed "stop-loss" is growing, the price of an asset fluctuates more and more, what triggers the action of the new "stop losses", and - well, you understand.

That's why I don't use stop losses at all., in order not to fix a forced loss during the next collapse. However, this kind of drop took place in May 1962, when human traders screwed up instead of computer algorithms, on the work of which all trade was built.

But the algorithmization of trading makes such sudden and unreasonable drops more likely.. It seems to me, the gradual transfer of trading activities to the cloud will also not contribute to reliability: these services are increasingly out of order and, probably, will break at least as often, like now.

Farewell to Lara Croft: Square Enix invests in blockchain

Japanese media conglomerate Square Enix is ​​selling its two North American game studios Crystal Dynamics and Eidos to Sweden's Embracer for $300 million. Interactive. They made these games., as Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Thief и Legacy of Kain.

Interesting here, however, Not this, and the goal is Square. The company plans to spend the proceeds on blockchain projects., artificial intelligence (II) and cloud computing.

This is very symptomatic.: a large and stable company sells a working asset to itself for the sake of investment in the topic, around which there is a very high level of information noise. Well,, maybe, it is worth taking a closer look at the shares of unprofitable startups from “promising” industries: suddenly some Nintendo buys them, selling the rights to Mario and Zelda.

However, practical application of all these ideas can be.

Kraft Heinz (NASDAQ: DIFFERENT), for example, partners with Microsoft to solve their logistical problems by building simulations in the metaverse. The company will create digital copies of its warehouses using Microsoft software, which will allow it to test ways to solve supply problems.

I think, that Square Enix is ​​also using its findings in AI, clouds and blockchain for the benefit of their marginal gaming and publishing divisions. If her experience is successful, then, maybe, her Western counterparts will follow her example.

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