OtherSideEconomy 2010-03-18 16:40:57

February 2010 was the worst month in the history of the Ebullio Commodity Fund and we regret to report a return of –86.25 pct for the month, which brings our total return for the year to –95.83 pct and to -89.63 pct since inception.

Ebullio Capital Management February 2010 Monthly Update

“extraordinary circumstances” – this is something of course. Judging by вот этому: Reuters reported in November 2009 that Ebullio had control of almost 90 per cent of London Metal Exchange tin stocks and cash contracts, the old year rushes towards us..

If in the fall there was an analogy with 2007 year, then 2008 gradually sneaks up.
Nothing repeats the same, but the risk-ignoring extravaganza is already.

  Request of ......
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