
Occasionally, I run polls on the blog. I noticed long ago, that people often choose extreme values, untrue, but desired, or expected by us. For trading, this is not a very good quality. That's why, I will summarize sometimes. Maybe, it will help someone to draw some conclusions about themselves. Well, I'm also wondering, in terms of statistics “guessing”, or, let's call it, “sober outlook on life”.

so, second april, there was the next poll http://maxim-pr.livejournal.com/122372.html
Specially, did not choose strong deviations, 15-20%, but almost sure, there would be those, who voted for such items, and not just for fun.
The closing of the second April was 1480,17, closing today – 1436,04. The decrease in the index is slightly more 3%. Correctly answered 22%, who took part in the survey. Voters' nicknames are visible.

  No Stops :)
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