Live stream iPhone presentation 5

American manufacturer of smartphones and tablet laptops Apple sent out invitations to journalists to an event on the occasion of the release of the new phone, to be held 4 October 2011. in Cupertino, California. Reported by the Associated Press.

Who will introduce the new product, not yet known. Probably, it will be the new CEO of Apple Tim Cook - the successor of Steve Jobs.

T. Cook was named Apple CEO last month, replacing the co-founder of the company S. Jobs, who has been treated for cancer for several years. S. Jobs himself took over as head of the council directors. In the eyes of investors, the fate of Apple is inextricably linked with the name of S. Jobs and his talents, therefore, for the new head of the company, the presentation of the iPhone 5 will make a huge difference.

Exact specifications, like the look of the iPhone 5 остаются засекреченными. But thanks to information from various sources, we can assume, that it will work on networks like GSM, так и CDMA, the latest iOS version will be used as a platform 5, high performance will be provided by the A5 processor, also installed in iPad tablet 2. The resolution of the camera will reach 8 мегапикселей, and for data transmission it will be possible to use fourth-generation wireless networks (4G), the transmission rate in which reaches 21 Mbps.
We know about the appearance, that the thickness of the device will decrease from top to bottom, and its edges will be rounded, like MacBook Air.

One of the key features of iOS 5 called the integration with the microblogging service Twitter. Besides, there will be an application for instant messaging via the Internet iMessage. Redesigned notification system, which sometimes annoyed users on the previous version of the platform. In general, it will become easier to work with the system, and what is the purpose of creating a single control center for all notifications (from incoming messages to notifications from individual programs) and adding voice control capabilities.
iOS 5 Supports Apple's recently launched iCloud cloud storage service. iCloud not only stores the user's files in a place accessible from any Apple device, but also can automatically sync data between user devices.

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Вместе с запуском iPhone 5 we can expect a decrease in prices for the previous version of the smartphone. Apple also promises to launch an even cheaper version of the iPhone 4S with a memory capacity of 8 Гб.

P.S. Watching AAPL Stocks

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