Fooled by chance

Taleb – Fooled by chance

read “Fooled by chance” Nassima Taleba.
Motivation: Everybody read – and I that, goof?))
Verdict: Read to all! There are fucking chapters, there's some, But in general, it is a must read.


The book asserts, what STATEMENT in itself – IT'S COMPLETE)

“If you put an infinite number of monkeys in front of typewriters and let them slap the keys, There is confidence, that one of them would give out an accurate version of the Iliad.”
“BUT will you bet your savings on that?, that this monkey would then write to Odysseus?”, “Hey, she wrote the Iliad, Quickly sign a contract with her for the sequel.””Information, that the person has made money in the past, In and of itself, it is neither meaningful nor relevant. We need to know the size of the population, from which he came. If the initial half-lation consisted of 10 managers, then i, I'd give the executor half of my savings. If, on the other hand, the initial population consisted of 10 000 Managers, I would ignore the results.”

“We never see or lose sight of the losers, The game seems simple and we blithely play it on”

Rest, What I've emphasized :

“The surrounding reality is much worse, than Russian Roulette. Firstly, She delivers the fatal bullet not too often, unlike a revolver with six bullet receivers, Reality has hundreds of them, or maybe even thousands. After a few dozen attempts, each, Lulled by a false sense of security, forgets the bullet's existence.””… & Approval, that other traders have also gotten into trouble, are self-accusation. A trader's mental construct should guide him to do what, What Other People Don't Do”
“Everyone believes in their own exceptionality”

“Most people prefer to do 70 000$, when others around get 60 000$, how 80 000$, – If the neighbors reach the level 90 000$.”
“Achievements cannot be judged by results, You should start with the cost of the alternative.”

“The same, who rely only on hard work, usually lose “flair” and intellectual energy.”

“We regard past history as the only homogeneous pattern and assume, which has greatly increased our knowledge of the future, by observing a sample of the past”

“We don't have much to do with that, What We Know, And more with that, that we don't know”

Trader, which has no condition, that would make him change his mind – Not a trader.

“I'm not strong enough, to even try to fight your emotions. I believe, what I need emotions, to formulate ideas and get the energy to execute them

  Recommended number of variants for the Monte Carlo method from the total number of variants.
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