Cloud Atlas

Сходил на movie "Облачный атлас" brothers Wachowski( I heard the pronunciation of Wakovski, in the credits for some reason Wachowski), known from the Matrix and others.
Generally, looks fascinating, because at first in complete confusion from the necessary docking of events at different times(there are several),I would say a multidimensional film, but then the meaning gradually tightens. Such a feeling, what needs to be reconsidered, to fully capture the philosophy from the very beginning of the film because at the end of the film everything falls into place, but somewhere, something slips away., which I didn't like, but it intertwines with the real essence of one of the Wakovski brothers, which is not quite ordinary in life….
Tom Hanks,Hali Beri and other good actors are involved.For example, Mr. Smith from The Matrix and here in the role of the killer and in other guises…Many actors play different roles at different times.

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