
There are many trading systems and strategies in the world.
Кто-то предпочитает technical analysis, Someone Fundamental Market Analysis. But in reality, price movement for an instrument, for example, акции или фьючерсы, determines the volume.
Volume – the number of shares or contracts bought or sold over a specified period of time at a specified price. 
We are most interested in volume, since it is this indicator that speaks of a fixed market interest in relation to certain prices or price ranges. The essence of the market is clear to everyone – this is supply and demand. In other words, the purchase of a particular instrument, или продажа. Hence there is a price, on which the largest amount is traded, for example, Contracts (Consider the futures on the index s&p e-mini). This means that the market is showing increased interest in this price., since at this price the largest number of large-volume transactions was executed.
These are the prices, which set the direction of the market.
Imagine we have a price, let's call it price "A", on which traded 30000 contracts s&p-mini for a certain period of time, for example 1 time. In this case, market turnover for 1 hour at the price "A" was:
3500 (ср. margin) * 30000=105 000 000 $. Undoubtedly, this is the volume that influences the market in any case.
Consequently, the logic should be like this: if the market goes under the "A" price, then the market is in the sales area, conditionally. If vice versa, goes above this price – shopping area..
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