About faith.

Several posts caught my eye, rather tough anti-religious orientation, well, there are comments, в том же духе. Катализатором, apparently, was the end of the Muslim fast, and related activities. Once again I was convinced, what atheism, in fact, the same religion, only faith in progress, эволюцию, NTR, genetic engineering. So is the exaltation of the adepts and the denial of others.. Ie. “We – educated, smart, прогрессивные, свободные, financially secure. They are – obscurantists, глупые, beggars, limited, etc.. They are already everywhere, prevent us from living, and where can a person who thinks freely go, there are no countries left in the world. That would be to collect them in a heap and one bomb all”. All in all, materialism becomes militant again – it's a little scary. Previous revolutionaries – atheists, preliminarily exterminating competitors ended very sadly, who is under the knife of the guillotine, who is from the bullet, who got the ice pick, someone died quietly in isolation. Transhumanist ideas are now becoming popular, and the base for this already exists. “There are no atheists in trenches under fire”, certainly, but a technological breakthrough gives a reason in the soul (what word) надеяться, what will they open, will invent, will save. And this worthless, in general,, a life, will extend, possibly indefinitely, the main thing is to last another years 20-30-40 and dig up the attendants. And now we have before us a new product of evolution, immortal and almighty, almost deity. Than you are not a religion? Paradigms have changed many times, sure, that this is not the last. It will be funny, if Sam Parnia finds anything and experimentally confirms. It will turn out, that Grof and Monroe are right, and the brain is nothing more than an advanced TV with RAM. What to do with scientific titles and harmonious theories? Naturally, they will be accused of juggling facts or some hypothesis about panoramic-volumetric perception will appear. If not find – well, everyone will stay with their own.
Studying at the university, I once made a pencil sketch of people's awareness of God in the form of a pyramid. В основании, man on his knees spread his hands on the ground – “It's me, God!”, the next one is bowing, следующий, head tilted… At the summit, a man got off the ground, hands up to the sky – now he has cognized the Creator, comprehended his plan, became somewhat like him. The whole development of mankind, in my opinion, implementation of the creationist idea. Concept first, then incarnation. Quite specifically. Or something is randomly produced, out of Chaos? ;)
Moishe Feldenkrais has an interesting observation. Fourth generation of young people, brought up in a kibbutz in the spirit of atheism and free love (ie. from the point of view of NLPers starting cards (Beliefs) такие вот) inform their parents: “We don't want to be the same old-fashioned idiots. We want, to be married by a rabbi. Free love is obsolete rubbish ". Their parents, who have never been married in their life, can't understand, from whom their children adopted these values.
Really, who?

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