What people lie to themselves about and what they really want

This applies to all people, regardless of profession

Well tell me, what have you really always wanted to do? Surely something crossed your mind. Now try to explain to yourself, why didn't you do it. Maybe something like: “With poker money I wanted to start a business selling useful gadgets., but I don’t know where to start ”? Yes, these are just excuses, you're just kidding yourself!

If you really wanted to open this store, then nothing would stop you. If a person has a real desire to sell gadgets, he will not complain for months “how can I start work”. He will read, how to do it, study laws, climb the forums, ask questions to other owners, etc.. But we don't, so we don't really want it. In general, it is worth distinguishing between two different concepts of “want”:

  • A wish, action-oriented (I want to play a two-hour session on PokerStars before lunch)
  • General desire (I want to live happily ever after)

There is a terrible confusion in these concepts. Well here's an example. I looked at the new Rossamakh and saw, that Hugh Jackman has a perfectly pumped torso. И я думаю “хочу такое тело”, но это имеет общее значение. Вот Джеман тоже думал “хочу такое тело”, но у него это желание было направленно на действие, for daily workouts, diets, etc.

Another example. I think we all have friends or acquaintances, who whine when they meet, что “хотят” стать плюсовыми регулярами или просто богатыми, but at the same time they stick around in offices for a small salary and shoot micro-stakes in the evenings. Now look at the guys, who ride on 10+ hours per day, чтобы чего то добиться. Разница ведь огромна, but people from the first group do not particularly strive to notice this.

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Therefore, our world is divided into those, кто понимает, что стоит за этим “хочу”, кто усердно трудится над этим, sacrifices something, goes to it and changes itself. И на тех, у кого “хочу” это просто мечта или фантазия, именно они качают головой и говорят “как же мне поднимать денег покером”.

Someone is whining, and someone just makes money. Do you want to be rich? Then think carefully, what will it cost you and how much you will have to change. And everyone will get that, что хотят. What they really want, and not that, what others say, to look better in other people's eyes. Do you want to become a poker PRO? Then look, what did you do for this today.


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