New York Orange County Bancorp IPO

New york bank Orange County Bancorp with 14 branches, providing a full range of services in the Lower Hudson Valley, attracted 34 million dollars, releasing 1 million shares in 33,50 dollars - within the stated range from 32 to 35 Dollars. The company released on 0,1 million more shares, than expected. Taking into account the actual IPO price, the total diluted value of Orange County Bancorp would be 188 million dollars.

New York Orange County Bancorp IPO

Orange County Bancorp - bank holding, which operates through wholly owned subsidiaries of Orange Bank & Trust и Hudson Valley Investment Advisors. The company offers a full range of banking products and services for organizations and individuals, as well as trust and asset management services for small and medium-sized businesses, local municipal authorities and high net worth individuals. Also 14 branches and a credit office of the bank offer various deposit accounts for organizations and individuals, including a full line of municipal bank accounts. As of 31 Martha 2021 of the year the company's assets were 1,9 billion dollars, loans - 1,2 billion dollars, deposits - 1,7 billion dollars, and the share capital is 135 million dollars.

Orange County Bancorp plans to list on the stock exchange Nasdaq under the ticker OBT. Piper Sandler and Stephens Inc became the joint organizers of the share issue.

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