US stock market news - NYSE, NASDAQ on 012.04.2017

● For stable supply of OLED screens, Google планирует вложить $880 million in LG Display

● AMD bought the rights to develop AR and VR technologies from startup Nitero
● Facebook announced the launch of group payments in Messenger
● Bitcoin has risen in price by 1,3% to $ 1,227 for a coin, as traders buy cryptocurrency amid the struggle for security. This state of affairs on Tuesday is caused by the growth of political tensions in the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula., what caused a sharp sell-off of risky assets.

● In honor of the 20th anniversary of the release of the original version of "Tamagotchi", Japanese company Bandai has re-released a toy with an electronic pocket pet.
● OKCoin Exchange brings the platform in line with AML requirements
● Ministry of Finance: cryptocurrencies can be legalized in the Russian Federation in 2018 year
● Toshiba's quarterly loss amounted to $5,6 billion Toshiba postponed the publication of the financial report twice. The third delay could lead to the withdrawal of the company's shares from the Tokyo stock exchange, therefore the conglomerate provided quarterly data, не подтвержденные аудиторами PricewaterhouseCoopers.
● The United States will tighten controls on the border with Mexico. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said, that the country's authorities intend to detain all violators of the border with Mexico, Bloomberg reports.
● Unemployment in the UK is at a minimum for 42 of the year
● Намерения FED повышать ставку дальше уже нашли отклик в реакции Китая. And if the situation develops, this will cause a new fall in the global stock market. China responded almost instantly to US rate hike in March, повысив стоимость заимствований.
In the worst case scenario, global stock markets could fall by 10-20% amid a sharp pullback in China, says chief strategist Charles Schwab & Co. по глобальным инвестициям Джеффри Клейнтоп
● Fitch подтвердило рейтинг США на максимальном уровне
● Treasury yield dropped to a minimum. US Treasury Bond Prices Rise Sharply, yields fell to their lowest close in 2017 G., as geopolitical tensions intensified and political risks rose, election-related in France, Bloomberg reports.
● The fight on board the plane cost Buffett $58 million Shares of the airline United lost almost 4% after that, как в сети появилось video с инцидентом на борту их самолета. Berkshire Hathaway's largest shareholder lost on this $58,5 million.
● BlackBerry Ltd. (NASDAQ: BBRY) Reported, that the arbitral tribunal ruled in her favor and ordered Qualcomm Inc. (NASDAQ: QCOM) pay her $815 mln excluding interest and legal costs. Дело касалось платежей по лицензионным соглашениям.
● Tractor Supply Co stock price. (NASDAQ: TSCO) falls at the premarket on Wednesday 5% after that, how the company warned, that its profit for the 1st quarter will be below market expectations. Now she expects to earn 45-46 cents per share when forecast by experts in 49 Cents. The retailer also reported, that its sales for the quarter increased by 6,6%, а сопоставимые продажи упали на 2,2%.
● Select Energy Services reported, what expects to make a public offering of its own shares in a price range from $15 to $18 for pike. Company, providing water services to the oil and gas industry, will offer investors 10,6 mln class A shares and will be able to attract up to $190,8 million. Она будет торговаться на бирже NYSE под тикером WTTR.
● JetBlue Airways (NASDAQ: JBLU) announced on Wednesday that it was growing by 2,9% March passenger traffic on the airline's flights up to 4,08 billion passenger miles. At the same time, the potential passenger traffic increased by 4,2% to 4,76 billion passenger miles. Load factor, or percentage of available seats, filled with passengers, fell in March 1,1% to 85,7%.
● Delta Air Lines Inc. (NYSE: FROM THE) announced a profit in the first quarter of $603 million (82 cents per share) compared to $946 million ($1,21 per share) a year earlier. Operating profit was 77 cents per share versus $1,32. Revenue for the reporting period fell to $9,15 billion s $9,25 billion. Analysts had expected a profit figure of 75 cents per share on revenue of $9,20 billion. Пассажирский трафик вырос за три месяца в годовом исчислении на 0,5%.
  Vacationer's notes.
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