NYSE Stock Market News, NASDAQ on 06.10.2016

● Yandex.Money has launched a money transfer service using iMessage technology, with which you can now transfer and receive funds from wallet to wallet.
The international payment service WebMoney began to cooperate with the Viber messenger., who have opened an account with WebMoney have the opportunity to replenish their accounts in the paid Viber Out function for calls to devices, which do not have Viber installed or are offline.

● World renowned medical startup, called Theranos is approaching its financial ruin. This is how one can evaluate something, what's going on in the company, which just two years ago was estimated by experts in the amount of 9 billion dollars. As the management of the startup says in its letter to investors, the company will close all its laboratories and health centers by the end of this year. Total, because of this, it will be thrown into the street 340 employees, working in the offices of the states of Arizona, California and Pennsylvania. In total, a medical startup employs 790 human.
● Apple возглавил рейтинг наиболее дорогих брендов по версии Interbrand.
As follows from the report of Interbrand Corp. about 100 the world's leading brands in 2016 year, Apple's value increased by 5% - to $179,1 billion. Занявший вторую строчку Google прибавил за год 11%, traveled to $133,3 billion. Coca-Cola brand value decreased by 7% (to $73,1 billion), as a result, the company was in the third position of the rating.
● China's economy is slowing down, however, the main problems are to be found in the corporate sector, this primarily concerns the commodity sector. Already, one in four companies is unable to pay interest on their debts., а значит находится на стадии банкротства.
● Twitter shares on the NYSE fell by 9% to $22,58 per share amid press reports that, что Google и Disney вышли из гонки за покупку сервиса микроблогов.
● International Monetary Fund published a report, according to which the problem of the world banking system is too big too fail (“too big, to collapse”) grew into too weak to survive (“too weak, to survive”).
● L Brands (NYSE: LB), the company owning the brands Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works, Reported, that her sales in stores, working for at least a year, including online sales, in September grew by 1%.
● MetLife Inc. (NYSE: MET) selects a division of the American life insurance business to existing shareholders, addressing one of the key issues in its plan to downsize the company for regulatory and strategic reasons.
● 6 October Yum Brands Inc. (YUM) announced the receipt in the III reporting quarter of profit in the amount of $622 million ($1,56 per share), compared to profit $421 million (95 cents per share) a year earlier.
● Аналитик Morgan Stanley Брайан Новак повысил целевую цену акций Amazon.with (NASDAQ: AMZN) rated “above the market” to $950 from $800 Togo, how AlphaWise data showed continued growth in Prime subscribers, which is currently being evaluated in 60 million.
● Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed charges against Credit Suisse AG in connection with the bank's incorrect determination of the key indicator of "net new assets" (NNA) your wealth management business.
● Global debt reaches record $152 trillion, warned the IMF on Wednesday. This is more than double the size of the world economy
Chinese state-owned companies China Ocean Shipping (Cosco) and China Shipping Group plan to merge their shipbuilding divisions amid record low demand for new ships
● Saudi Aramco is preparing to publish its first financial report in connection with the planned IPO
● New York Stock Exchange Investigates Market Maker Don Himpele of IMC Financial Markets. Several investors complained, that they suffered losses because of him on Monday
● High profit for about 10 years helped Brevan Howard become one of the largest hedge funds in Europe. But now its future looks uncertain amid the sector's troubles.. According to HSBC, since the beginning of the year, investors have withdrawn from Brevan more than $5 billion
● British software developer Misys plans to return to the London Stock Exchange in four years. The company can be valued at 5,5 billion pounds. Its listing will allow checking investor demand amid Brexit
● Service for calling Uber drivers will provide services to the whole city for the first time. Township authorities Summit, state of new jersey, hired a company, so people can drive free Uber cars to and from the train station. This is how they want to solve parking problems.
● US authorities accuse pharmaceutical company Mylan of, that because of the prohibitively high prices for the EpiPen drug, they had to spend millions of extra dollars on the health insurance program
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