New video from Maitrade + proposal, which is impossible to refuse :)

Моё очередное video, как по мне, much more useful than regular “supports and resistances”…

Over the years, I've seen enough of so many traders who have merged and got stuck in debt., that you feel ashamed of your inaction. Despite, that these are strangers to me.
Boys, do not go to the market with a bare ass… otherwise the market will use it in the most positive way.. Sooner or later.

Approach trading this way, so that he could not smudge you… Destroy your life, destroy your family…
Never take risks. Transfer them to the same prop. конторы… They specialize in this. For large investors… you still do not have one… in the end, for all traders, they will still be in the black.. even if you make a loss. Well, if all traders will pour out to the investor – shitty chose. His blunder.

Create all conditions, to minimize the factor of greed and fear. Inflated expectations from trading. Direct dependence on him.
And only then can you try to curb it.

FULL HD by direct link you can download ЗДЕСЬ

Someone will say:”Pi * do, as they say, do not roll bags”.

Therefore, I am ready to make PERSONALLY PERSONALLY a specific proposal for taking your risks on myself and providing YOU with trading capital!


1) Please send your Yield Curve MINIMUM per 6 weeks. More – better. Demo or real, never mind. Starting amount on the balance – 10 000$.
Curve NECESSARILY (!) should be in the NinjaTrader terminal. [how to make a demo?]

Currencies can be traded, goods, indices, bonds. More precisely, futures for them. Briefly speaking, everything that is on yours “форексах”.

  stupidity- not a vice!

2) Based on the yield curves sent to me I will select several participants for online competition.

Do you trade 2.5 months online for At least the entire American session. (you can also European :)
Minimum take profit 15 Ticks. Or stop loss breakeven. (ie. jerkers are not interesting, need day traders).
Stop loss is required (big or small – never mind). You can move the stop no more, than on 50% from the original size.
Maximum drawdown is limited by the deposit :)

If you show the most stable result – real account on 10 000$ at your disposal!!

You will trade on my real account. What instruments and with what risks – it's your business.
But as long as you do it online, on – i give to you 100% arrived from it. Is it profitable for you. It is profitable for me. WIN-WIN.

What are the pros compared to prop. конторами?

  • Free participation.
  • You have no restrictions on a live account, framework, rules. Do whatever your heart desires.
  • You are getting 100% (!!!) arrived.
  • There is no increased commission as in any prop.
  • Because. your actions will be public, then in case of success, не удивлюсь, if you also find investors for yourself based on the results of your broadcast.


What do you need, to participate in the selection for the competition?

1) Send me a screenshot of your first deal at [email protected], которую совершите. (it must necessarily be the final results, which you will send me later)
2) Send something, identifying you. Your smartlab account,, hutreyde, facebook, in contact with, in LJ, Google Plus, forum, your personal website, etc.…. but… this account page must be created BEFORE today.

These requirements have one simple purpose.: what would the yield curve, which you send me was not received from the 57th attempt, and from the first (ideally)  :)
I will definitely come to you on TeamViewer, see your statistics in NinjaTrader personally. That there would be no cheating and photoshop.

How the stability criterion will be determined? Who will win, if several participants have a stable profitability?

I thought for a very long time, how to formalize the criteria for victory. Eventually, has concluded, that the opinion of the living will be more objective, experienced traders.
Therefore, the winner will be chosen based on the vote of such respected people as G. Fishman, BUT. Gerchik, R. Vishnevsky (UT), anyone from DDG… for example E. Kalashnikov, IN. Grishchenko (VOLFIX), BUT. Yesin… well i can :)
I am sure, none of these people will refuse me… and their choice will be made public.
This will be the most objective assessment., which cannot be fooled :)

If several participants show equally reliable, stable trade, then preference will be given to, who earned more. I will convey such a wish to the jury. :)

What will happen, if all participants merge?)) Or at least nothing will work)
Then Maitrade won %)

If the majority of the jury chooses no one based on the results, because. profitability will not be worthy of any prize at all – the competition will be extended for another 2 months.
When, if nothing changes… or all will merge – have to recruit new members)) I hope this shame does not happen :)

How to broadcast video? What are the requirements?
Live video broadcast – it is a continuous video capture from your screen, ie. all your actions in the trading terminal. Therefore, you will need either a separate monitor for this. (there will be a seizure from him) or a separate computer laptop.
Because. you will not be able to broadcast on the working monitor.. you will not be able to view indecent sites and while away the time in social. networks, while sitting in position. :)
I will provide you with all the programs for this and set everything up myself.)

Also buy yourself a normal microphone (costs less than 100 rubles.) , if you don't have it. You will definitely visit us at Team Speak)) All the same, it is interesting to ask you a few questions. :)

Even if someone doesn't win the competition.. and will not receive 10 000$, but at the same time it trades with dignity.. I will still offer him to broadcast…
On what terms – обсуждаемо.

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