“never, hear, never… don't finish studying”

Remember, when was the last time you learned something?
probably, that was a long time ago.. most likely at the institute, or even at school.
and now, if we were in the big hall and I would ask those, who at that time was truly obsessed and passionate about their LEARNING at the university, then most likely I would see bewildered faces, instead of hands. well, most likely..
and if I were sitting in the hall, I would also make a surprised face.

now take a look around! how many opportunities for self-study in the internet today: scanned Books, audio books, video seminars, training records. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! now compare with that, that it was at least years 5 back… material was minimally available. and if someone was interested in a relative narrow specialty, then it might not have been at all.

the whole thing is, what am I, for example, forgot what an important role it plays education In life! SELF-TRAINING… when there are no teachers and classrooms, когда мне не надо ехать "на пару", чтобы просто её "отсидеть"..
now I am composing a training program for myself and I am obsessively eating it, forgetting about sleep and food. because I chose that, what PASSES ME and I AM INTERESTED. this is incredible and it bodes incredible results…

some time ago I read very little, maybe 2-3 books a year.. I completely forgot about the benefits of reading. But the most valuable thing in books – this is ANOTHER EXPERIENCE, UPS AND DOWNS, TRIALS AND ERRORS, from which I can learn..
мои мысли иногда доходят до такой крайности "а стоит ли мне сегодня идти на какието тусовки, because I will not sleep well and tomorrow I will not be able to read that, what is terribly interesting to me…". for some it will be strange, but these are my priorities.. only mine…

  ALiM: gifts from wallstreet (c)

why 99% people are engaged in life, what they are not interested in?
I tend to reason, that it's all because of the idiotic system, in which we live: you finished school, you have to go either to the army, either to the institute… we, stupid and green suckers, 17-18 years of age, not having drank life at all and not knowing, what do we want from her, not knowing what we expect from her – of course we choose the institute. choose a specialty, by and large it is doubtful representing its essence. and that's it.. this is the point, no turning back. time is wasted…

but you need the simplest – GIVE the future man the opportunity to understand himself and think, what is so interesting to him, that he would like to do this, work in the field, with which his interest is connected.. let it go 10 years! and now he already 27 years, he tried himself in 3 completely different positions, let it take for each 2-3 Year.. but he already has plenty to choose from. so he chose and calmly went to the institute GREADLY devour knowledge, sincerely enjoying the process… for only now is he a MAN, knowing WHERE, WHOM and HOW it will work!

dumb system…. Stupid!

(перепост из моего второго "нетрейдерского" ЖЖ)

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