Never give up! Part 3

3. “A person can fail many times., but won't be a loser, until he starts blaming others” Ted Engstrom
In life, very often the impression is made, as if we are failing because of someone or because of something. Born in the wrong city, parents brought up wrong, I entered the wrong faculty, at the wrong time was born.

So many reasons to complain, how many presidential candidates) It's just that very often “hysteria” leads to, what we, quite natural, start counting, that this person or situation prevented us from reaching our goal! Sitting so miserable, no one needs, and that's all they are – evil and cruel realities of life… they cried? Would it not be wiser to analyze our own preparation and efforts and, maybe confess, that we were capable of more?

Ask yourself, did you really do your best – and honestly admit to mistakes and oversights. Just make a decision not to repeat the mistakes, forgive yourself and move on.

You don't have to blame anyone – even themselves. Person, who dwells on self-blame or blames others or circumstances, often prevents himself from recovering and risks becoming a loser.

If we waste time and energy blaming others, we may miss that, what you need to know about yourself, to grow and develop, getting the best results from your efforts.

Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Great Britain only at the age of sixty-two, after many failures and defeats. Many of his greatest achievements date back to that period., when he was old. And in 1962 year “Decca Recording Company” turned down an offer to work with “The Beatles”. How did they explain it?? “We don't like their sound. Guitar bands are fading away”. Certainly, “The Beatles” turned impending failure into permanent triumph, and this “the compass” in the losers of the century!!!

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“Behind the scenes of life will always be those pitiful souls, who throw mud at those, whose accomplishments are not entirely within their grasp. Person, who really achieves something, pays no attention to these detractors. If he did, he would be on the same level as them. He fixes his eyes on a higher goal – and dirt won't stick to it”. Jerome P. Fleishman

4. “You are on your way to success, if you understand, what a failure – it's just a small hook” Corrie Ten Boom

If success came easy, then it probably wouldn't be a real success. Some of the historical figures, top success, learned to fail as a natural by-product of experimentation and creativity – and very often failure taught them much better, than success. I decided, what a failure – it's just a small detour on the road to the goal, we do not lose hope and come to success.

What is the best way to determine, what is success? Does that mean?, that we just had a certain task, which we decided? If it is true, then we succeed, going down to the mailbox for a newspaper. petty things, even the most trivial, could be considered a success, if only they were completed. However, success – it is something immeasurably greater. success comes, when we face difficulties and achieve a goal in spite of all obstacles.

Often success and failure, happiness or despair is just a matter of point of view. In his book “Discreet place” Corrie Ten Boom described a conversation with her mother about Aunt Beb, who lived with them for several years. Corrie remembered how sad Beb always was., and how she kept complaining and comparing their house to “Wallers”, where was she “so happy” as a housekeeper. But her mother was harder to hold. “corrie, – she asked – do you know, do you, when she started praising those Wallers so much? That day, when she quit! While she worked for them, she only knew, that complained. The Wallers were no match for the Van Hooks., where she worked before. But in fact, at the Van Hoeks, she was very ill.. Happiness is sometimes depends on our circumstances, corrie. This – then, what we create in ourselves“.
If we want to succeed, we have to be ready for that, to forge new paths, rather than follow the trodden paths of previous achievements. George Horace Lorimer put it this way:: “If someone has failed once or a dozen times, You don't consider him a failure, until he died or gave up – and it's the same”. And Elbert Hubbart remarked: “The line between failure and success is so thin, that we often do not notice, that we stand on it”.
Hope, articles about wrestling, strength and will of the spirit will help you find that very “lost” confidence! And I really want, so that you are always and everywhere only winners!


okbm(“”,”Never give up! Part 3″)


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