impossible trinity

old topic: those who have a fixed rate now, if u go to floating, then leaving control over capital flows.
new topic: it's time to take control of the flows now.

Post in ft-shnom blog: Asian emerging economies may contemplate capital controls

ie. Free admission, no way out. it's like in egypt with camel boarding.
interesting, if we assume that this topic has potential, then:

and) this is a general bias in monetary policy, to limit volatility and ensure truly independent monetary policy (general trends are broadcast through asset prices with which the local central bank still cannot cope, even though, what theory says, what can)?

b) preparation for painful actions on the outflow of capital back? remember, Some of the big banks in the strategy for the current year wrote about, that the emphasis will start to shift towards the USA again. and capital will flow, and the dollar will grow, and punishment will come to Jim Rogers))

  I wanted to know for a long time
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