a few words about books

I arrived амазон киндл, we will get used to. while I like it, reads very nicely from it.

I would like to write about several books I have read in the last couple of months, but hands do not reach. fortunately, there is something to write about and what to retell.

offhand you can:
* Neil Ferguson, like Neil Ferguson. But the ascent of money is worth it.
* Jim Kramer, like Jim Kramer. Confessions of a Street Addict – great stuff.
(audiobook getting back to even good topics, what Jim reads it :)).
* Kindleberger disappointed. Due to inflated expectations. Although, mastrid remains.
* James Surowiecki “Wisdom of Crowds” – more intriguing by the name, what is the meaning.
* Jeremy Siegel. I do not even know. “Triumph of the Optimists”, it will be better.
* (смешное) Gerald Appel “Beating the Market”, really funny (accidentally read).
* Steve Keen, very difficult to read. You need to ponder and filter a lot.
* Reached Lakshman Achuthan (ECRI) “Beating the Business Cycle”, нравится.

Dan’a Ariely вышла новая книга. before the end of the year, обязательно нужно прочесть. More on the list “Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager”, I just liked the title.

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