
Heard, the next championship of Russia in investment and trading has recently ended. The next best investors and traders in Russia have been identified, who were honored live on the internet yesterday — even i dropped by for a short time. But the feeling that I'm just being deceived does not leave.. Can't figure out a simple thing — if the winners and prize-winners of all these past championships show such outstanding results in 8000% per annum, on 75% menstruation and doubling-tripling of the account for the day, then with a probability of almost 100% they should top the list of Russian billionaires in a couple of years. But how many championships have passed — where are the famous winners? Even if you just double the bill every year with reinvestment, you can become a dollar billionaire in a few years. And here — 8000%, it's not a doubling, and ….. not even counting fingers. Do they eat it all up????? Then they must become the fattest and heaviest inhabitants of the planet. — but they are not on this list either….
Who can explain this phenomenon?

  Rally doesnt care
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