Some tips on psychology

What is the biggest mistake novice traders make, which subsequently prevents them from developing?

The classic mistake – lack of the right approach to learning and, often, its almost complete absence.

The fact, what trade- this is one of those rare fields of activity, in which there is no direct relationship between the correct action and the result. Respectively, there is no opportunity to fully learn in the trading process. Beginners trader подходят к бирже как к обычному ремеслу и уделяют массу времени практике, acquiring the wrong habits, ridiculous delusions and stereotypes of behavior.

When do they return to theory, it seems to them, что базой они неплохо владеют и начинают искать какие-то сакральные знания в очередных обучающих video. Although in fact they do not have basic skills in calculating risk-transfer, unable to calculate the expected value , yes and in general, practically do not know elementary mathematics, although it is quite simple.

Besides, starting your way, they do not represent, what they have to go through. Almost every one of them falls into the classic psychological trap.. Imagine, there is a war, the unit is going to attack. Everyone understands perfectly, that someone will not return from the battle, but at the same time, everyone at heart hopes, that will escape death. В торговле то же самое: everyone knows about the monstrous variance and the inevitability of los, but everyone hopes, what exactly will not happen to him. And when it happens (and it certainly happens), psychological problems begin.

But no., друг, no one will listen to your stories about losses bad luck, about failure and injustice, about squeezes and universal evil – it's all just your problems. You knew, what did you go for. You were warned. You didn't listen. What are you complaining about now?

  Daytrading – June 22

What book on psychology do you recommend ?

Выбор Books по психологии во многом зависит от проблемы, which you want to solve. But the important thing here is to protect yourself from pop psychology., as well as all sorts of quackery.

What do you think is the best way to deal with a series of cons, except for the analysis of their transactions, of course?

Смотря, чем она вызвана. If we're talking about a losing streak now, then when you are already in it, no psychological methods can help you. Yes, you can ease your condition a little, but not more. You need to prepare for such things in advance., change your internal settings, prepare behavior strategies. When you know in advance, what to do and how to think, are you ready to meet the enemy fully armed. So the best advice – prepare for drawdowns in advance. If it's about a bad strategy and losing money, then everything is obvious here – need to learn to play.

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