No one to read, where are the sensible diaries of traders

For more than a year now I have been trying to find blogs of really smart professional traders, but apparently they don't write. Most of them are beginners., analysts and “Guru”

Beginners have main posts about a prosperous future and first steps, they are much more interesting to read than Analysts and “Guru” . They are constantly trying to find their mistakes and they are pleased to help them develop..

Analysts read the majority, most useless reading. Why read about what happened yesterday on the market and analyze it and where it might go , if you don't want to think yourself, you have nothing to do in this business.

Gurus sometimes write interesting posts, with good thoughts, but it's dangerous for beginners to read them. Any of their ideas is perceived as an axiom and due to lack of experience it is difficult to understand what works, and what not. Most ideas don't work, but newbie doesn't understand this and praises any post.

For 5 years spent in this business from all those whom I read, NO ONE left !!! There are, of course, old bloggers who have been writing for a long time, but they stayed in the same place with their super strategies.

P.S. Too bad I'm not a writer, I could nicely put my thoughts on this topic on a couple of sheets.

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