Fuck, every day or every other day I receive letters with the same content. I don’t squeal.. Fair, that's why I already decided to post a post about it.

Everything is like a blueprint straight)) Mandatory items:

  1. Леха, you sure are awesome, I used to be like everyone else, read these idiotic books about the classics of those. analysis, channels, indicators, news.., read smartlab and constantly leaked…   and then:
  2. Я посмотрел твоё video на ютубе и у меня открылись все чакры. Now I understand everything, how I was down and NOW I know it's not true…
  3. But.. what is true then, I am so honest and didn’t understand)))) That's why:
  4. I will not fall, clean, boy, explain everything as if in spirit, how to make money for a lamba, grail there, все дела.. otherwise I don't fucking have, but I want – JUST FUCK LIKE!!!)

: )

I certainly understand, that every person's world revolves only around him and nothing else.. And his problems are more important than the problems of all other people) And that money is more needed, than most) And he needs to learn FASTER than others. And the market is more interesting to him, than all of them put together. And that Trading – this is his destiny and she is destiny, than all other destinies in the world)) And what exactly should he get into 1% earning traders, while others should be in the remaining 99% unprofitable. Why? Well how why – it’s OH!!! :)

And you at least once try to abstract yourself and imagine yourself, for example, in my place. Write to me.. What do I have besides your letter, more than a thousand of them.. In PM LJ, on Skype, in contact with, on emails, в камментах. Why exactly you?

Что бы вы сделали, being in my place?
How would you answer such a letter? I really want to know – write in comments, я почитаю.
What is the correct answer?

Wherein, Do not forget, that you are me) Get used to the role!  Не халтурьте!!
Tips type, “record a video in which you fully and in all nuances tell all your ideology / methodology and post it on YouTube” can only be if you are in your place, not on mine)) I hope you won't deceive yourself :)

Remembered, that I already wrote on this topic))

  Momentum investing.
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