Rewarding “Runet Financial Blogs - 2010” (Many photos)

Well, the competition is over “Runet Financial Blogs - 2010” and all the winners received their prizes. Me and Anton( Traanan ) посетили награждение проходившее в Москве в клубе-ресторане «Тармплин» 16 December. По мне так заведение могли снять получше, nothing special, decided not to spend a lot of money on organizing the celebration. The people were full, but mostly it was the organizers themselves, it feels like they were doing the party for themselves.

The organizer of the competition was the RZB Media Group and the MICEX, so we didn't really expect to win in any nomination. Большинство номинантов были блогеры пишущие про Российский stock market, in my opinion there are few practicing traders, mostly analysts. I don't understand who reads analytics in blogs at all, there are normal information sites for this (Bloomberg) , and they translate material from there and even have their own army of readers.

I was nominated for Best Blog Design , and Anton in "Blog of readers' sympathy".
There shouldn't be any LJ bloggers in my nomination, but surprisingly just this one took first place Alexmix , I don't understand how the jury evaluated the beauty. I was given third place.

In Anton's nomination, we were confident in Radik Susanyan's victory, as soon as by the number of votes he went to second place, he almost immediately got a couple of votes and so on throughout all voting days. Anton was given second place .

Nothing next year we will win first places :)

  ALCHI. Third week.
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