On hook: social network "friendship"

Hello to all blog readers!

I am writing to continue the topic If a friend suddenly turned out to be ....

Before, after all, how they were friends: you got up in the morning, done my deeds, walked around the house, talked to my family. And then I went to see a friend.

Feet top-top.

How are you, How can I help you, что нового…

With a friend you drove horses at night. I went hunting in the dark forest. Swam in the middle of a wide river on a boat full of holes, throwing nets. With a friend for the first time I drank a glass and smoked a cigarette in «gypsy», shared in a difficult time the most painful. With a friend I went to a neighboring village to the girls and felt his broad back on my back before a dangerous fight with local.

And they went to the army — wrote letters to each other. After lights out, when the feet are buzzing and the eyes are closed — karyabal crooked lines and remembered childhood joys and joint adventures. He also spoke in a letter about the first difficulties and shocks of the affairs of the heart.. I was looking forward to a new meeting and, falling asleep, often saw a wide friendly smile, from which warmth ran along some special spiritual strings.

This was the real world!

Then you got a phone. Everything just got easier — dialed the number and exchanged a couple of phrases. Everything is fine? Well, I also have, we work, растем. I will have to meet, посидеть, повспоминать! Usually, meetings became less and less frequent, and conversations on the phone with their everyday dullness reminded, that there is nothing to talk about. Hell knows — maybe lack of visual connection, body contact, a lively voice and a stubborn gaze on the contrary deprives friendship of strength?

Letters to write — last century! Now it's hard to imagine — like this — draw letters with a pencil and insert a neatly folded piece of paper into an envelope, trying to correctly display the index number according to all GOST standards.

  Park in Zelenogorsk, on the way to the grocery store

How many friends could you really be friends with in the old world?? One, three, well five…

They were time and life tested friends. Who were not thrown in a difficult situation, pulling out with bloody hands the broken cable from the last forces on the mountain ridge. They were friends, who honestly shared the stew, without hiding a piece of bread in your bosom. Friends, which stepped aside, when your hearts belonged to one woman.

Eh, antiquity-antiquity! Everything was covered with moss for a long time!

Now everything is easier and more frivolous: created a page on a social network, ВКонтакте, Classmates, Facebook and voila — in a couple of days you have 100-300 friends! And if you try — then 1000 and more. Есть даже courses такие и руководства — «how to dial 1000 friends».

Business of all — like everyone, send invitations, добавляйся! A rash in the feed with quotes from the classics and beautiful photos from the network and the people will catch up, will begin to reciprocate.

The cuckoo praises the rooster for, what does he praise the cuckoo. I. A. Krylov

Great, Really?

No need to go anywhere, no need to make efforts and endure trials. Just like. Just share and be trendy. And you will make friends. By the way, lack of real tests (and where will they get from a person, which the 90% spends time at the monitor in 4 стенах) gives a sense of the reality of such a friendship and the value of such a relationship.

But I'll put it this way. If suddenly you need from your side «friends» нечто большее, than like or repost, you find yourself all alone. And this can be understood — no time to figure it out, what happened to this avatar with a cute face under the nickname «Vasya Pupkin». Maybe it's not Vasya at all, а может и просто bot. One more avatar, one less — small loss! We will recruit new followers! More in the feed 500 friends, которых надо отлайкать и которые должны ответно фапнуть новую гифку или поржать над очредным тупым video.

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Some of the closest people will help Vasya, for which he is not just an avatar, but a real person…

I deleted my pages in several social networks. Those people, who were friends there, most likely did not even notice it. I freed up a piece of running away time for real life and real people., who will come to my house without an invitation, squeeze the shoulders, look you in the eye and ask:

-Ну как ты, друг?


My world
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