thoughts about science

from bloomberg: why kids at school only teach the side of Krugman or Bernanke?
this is in light of the 'debate" Krugman and Ron Paul (about the gold standard, about government spending).

while, that I really love to question any point of view and I deeply don’t care who" says & quot; what & quot;, because the main thing is precisely `` what ''; with all this, the question seems insane.

because, what is science. want to criticize? take a scientific method and prove everything, что хотите. wherein, the principle of verifiability has not been canceled. we do not teach children astrology. because, that this is not science. we do not teach children alternative economic theory, because, that this is not science. everything is very simple.

as proof of my unbiasedness, I can say, that the original question was asked by the author "The Forgotten Man" (beloved Books all sorts of economic sectarians), which, Nevertheless, I highly recommend it as a history book about the Great Depression.

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