thoughts about 2011

1. thanks to Almighty Chance for the good tips from Her Majesty Chuika. in 2011 year there were many opportunities to confuse everything, much more than during the period 2007-2009.

2. thanks to those forces, who came up with macro and behavioral. pity, that sooner or later the dominance of top-down over bottom-up will end again (would rather :)).

3. thanks to the impudent human being, which allows you not to believe the consensus and even more impudently believe, that the consensus is wrong, and you are not.

4. thanks to the rational part of the brain, who is able to recognize the limitations of her abilities, which allows you to apply the brake when cornering.

5. thanks history, which repeats, but always like that, to keep the element of surprise and surprise. but prompting, what can be and how easy.

6. thanks to interesting people for the inspiration and confidence that allows you to continue. thanks to uninteresting people for the double desire to go forward.

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