thoughts on treasuries

we have shifts on the demand side and on the supply side.

demand: (positively locally, negative medium term, positively long term)
* safe heven
* deflation fear
* stretching: wanted to buy cheap, is expensive
* шорт сквиз (he should be, it cannot be completely))
* shift in alocation (which continues)
* demand for MBS and other snowstorms

proposal: (positively now, hopefully negatively later)
* reduction in Treasury supply
* reduction in supply of MBS and other snowstorms

who will explain to me:
pancake, why not dramatically increase the release of 30-year-olds?!!!!!!!!!

The illusion of excess liquidity. we had a mini credit crunch here not so long ago,
but people stubbornly believe in excess liquidity that drives asset prices.

Peter Fisher: debt problem, Do not forget.

  RTS Index
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