Thoughts on the expected value

Let's try to apply a bit of theory, taking the average results, and see what we can achieve by observing only the Expected Value in our trading system, no super deals.

Initially, we have a 10C stop in the stock, but considering the average slippage of 12C
We set the commission 0.006С
The profitable trade is 45C
The ratio is about 1 to 4 it turns out
Position in 1000 shares with us
Consider 2 Options :
BUT) First 3 сделки у нас всегда в минус 12С на 1000 shares this 120$ with commission 132$. Fourth deal plus 45C always.
B) First 2 сделки у нас всегда в минус 12С на 1000 shares this 120$ with commission 132$. Third deal plus 45C always.

Suppose that on average we do 10 deals per day.

Gross Volue Net Gross Volue Net
1 -120 2000 -132 -120 2000 -132
2 -240 4000 -264 -240 4000 -264
3 -360 6000 -396 210 6000 174
4 90 8000 42 90 8000 42
5 -30 10000 -90 -30 10000 -90
6 -150 12000 -222 420 12000 348
7 -270 14000 -354 300 14000 216
8 180 16000 84 180 16000 84
9 60 18000 -48 630 18000 522
10 -60 20000 -180 510 20000 390
11 -180 22000 -312 390 22000 258
12 270 24000 126 840 24000 696
13 150 26000 -6 720 26000 564
14 30 28000 -138 600 28000 432
15 -90 30000 -270 1050 30000 870
16 360 32000 168 930 32000 738
17 240 34000 36 810 34000 606
18 120 36000 -96 1260 36000 1044
19 0 38000 -228 1140 38000 912
20 450 40000 210 1020 40000 780
21 330 42000 78 1470 42000 1218
22 210 44000 -54 1350 44000 1086
23 90 46000 -186 1230 46000 954
24 540 48000 252 1680 48000 1392
25 420 50000 120 1560 50000 1260
26 300 52000 -12 1440 52000 1128
27 180 54000 -144 1890 54000 1566
28 630 56000 294 1770 56000 1434
29 510 58000 162 1650 58000 1302
  First Good_trade seminar

100 2250 200000 1050 6810 200000 5610

1000 22500 2000000 10500 69810 2000000 57810

Through 1000 deals, if you do on average per day 10 deals = 100 days in the first version we will earn 10500$, but in the second we will already earn 57810$ с учетом комиссии.

Of course, this is just a theory and in reality things are different., но если соблюдать Математическое ожидание мы можем добиться хороших результатов совершая средние сделки.

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