Thoughts, observations, ideas (possibly a system)

It just so happened, that there are always three turkeys on my chart: MACD, stoch, RSI. I looked at them for a long time, it's time to draw conclusions.

MACD provisions:

  • ниже нуля && below the signal (sales are in progress)
  • ниже нуля && above the signal (sales are closed, shopping starts)
  • above zero && above the signal (идут покупки)
  • above zero && below the signal (closing purchases, начинаются продажы)

stoch provisions:

  • flag
    “Overbought” (is in the overbought zone)
  • flag “Oversold” (is in the oversold zone)
  • the main one is below the overbought level and above the signal (начинаются продажи)
  • the main one is above the oversold level and below the signal (shopping starts)

RSI provisions:

  • flag
  • flag “Oversold”
  • came out of oversold (shopping starts)
  • came out of overbought (начинаются продажи)

Stoch and RSI convergence entry. MACD confirming (refill).

Opposite signal exit.

???Close positions if turkeys returned to the Overbought Oversold area???

I'll start with the indicator.

MACD, stoch, RSI, REC

Then robo tests.

PS. It should work in noise.

PPS. Divergence Problems Remain.

  There are also losses. And not a little.
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