MVtrading starts to annoy.

This is not the first time they already have overlays.. Placed MOO orders today(market on open) to close some shares — everything worked successfully except MSFT — stuck, glows bold white and neither here nor there — does not allow to cancel, sell too. I have them in the support chat — “что за фигня, stock не продается, sell at any price”. They to me — “fig you, call to sell”. I'm in another support — they send there too. Found a trade desk support email — they write, “let's close quickly, and don't send me to call, I don't speak English anyway”. И что же — the answer comes — “call this number, we can't close by email”. Pancake, I write then — “if you can't close, then investigate what the hell with the warrants you have there, I can neither sell nor cancel, I attach a screenshot”. Now while a long pause has arisen — whether they are investigating, or just sent away.
During this time, MSFT has grown significantly, which warms the soul a little, but I still don't like MBtrading lately. Periodic overlays, do not place orders in advance, the report does not show how much the position earned in a few days — just one day show, remainder, type count yourself, etc..

  The first swallows.
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