here is one funny picture: handed over the msoshechka at the end of the week. dragged this short for a very long time, waiting for it at the planned target.
Why is it in plural? since June I have been trading with a student. the man very much asked to help him. и тут я подумал “why not, because it can help me tighten my own discipline tighter, because. I will now be responsible for entries-stops-exits not only in front of me, but also in front of him”.
all trade on skype, в рил тайме. certainly, while he takes small sizes, there is enough room for two in ideas with a margin, but when he starts playing dozens, we will no longer be on our way, but I am convinced he will understand it himself much earlier :).

yesterday he uttered an important phrase for me: “now I understand how it was necessary to act always”. and indeed. everything is just like a ruble: find N quality ideas, we sit and wait and do nothing. 1-3 trade per day. there are days, when no entrance – we just sit and monitor the paper profit for the poses already taken, and also track important sounds of glasses and rustle of the tape, which, if necessary, I explain.
shorter, mutually interesting!
and the time will come, if he wants, he will tell everything himself…

  Question to traders
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