My first parachute jump

I'm afraid of heights. And in order to overcome my weakness, I once decided, that I will jump with a parachute. 17 I was then, I guess. The years went by, I periodically returned to this thought, but always found excuses. There is no time, then money…

But you can postpone your whole life., and then regret unfulfilled desires and dreams. So I made up my mind last fall, but due to weather conditions, all three visits to Borovaya ended in nothing. But now everything worked out.

We look video

It's on the plane

And this is in the sky

Jumped us for the first time 6 human. Everyone remained alive and even very happy. Nobody blundered, though, признаюсь: when I saw the void behind the open door in the sky — felt very uncomfortable.


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And what do you put off and do not dare to do?, friends? Think, время-то еще есть

May God grant you health!

My world
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