My pamm (wearbo): +28% during the week, +74% per month

Hello, friends!

Reporting on my wearbo memory account in FX Trend.

It is not clear how profitability statistics work. That is, it does not work properly.. As soon as investor funds begin to flow, profitability starts to decline. As I understand it, that the level of profit in money is recalculated to the growing deposit, so my yield figure is 36% at the end of last week turned to the beginning of the week in 5%. In the personal account, at the moment, the numbers are as follows:

+74% for april
+28% for the current week
Depot at the moment 6000 Dollars, out of which 1100 моих

The company introduced mandatory identification of managers, which is good news. Now it will be clear for investors, that the manager of the pamm account is the right person, which is specified during registration, not a fictional character. Yet again, it is an indication of the correct license and regulatory accountability.

Information from the company's website:

Mandatory identification of managers is introduced.


As announced at the last online conference, with 19.04.2014 mandatory identification of managers is introduced. Those managers, which have not passed the certification at the moment, must submit documents for identification according to the procedure. Before passing the identification, the following restrictions are imposed:

1. The execution of requests for withdrawal of funds from the manager's capital is suspended;
2. Closing of PAMM accounts at the request of Managers is suspended;
3. Withdrawal of funds from managers' offices is suspended.

These restrictions are subject to revision..
In order not to inconvenience the managers, their applications for identification will be executed on time, не превышающий 72 o'clock. Questions on identifying managers can be asked here.

I successfully passed the identification =)


May God bless you and thank you investors for their trust!

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