Mini-reportage from Sochi.

here you go, served time, finally, 15 days in Sochi (or rather matured) and flew back safely. Very tired. I understand more and more, what the hardest work is, so-called, vegetable rest. But nothing, I hope to get back in shape soon.
`` Sat" I'm in the Pearl Hotel. From the side of the sea it looks like this:

The beach is quite spacious, there were few people per square meter, 70% sunbeds were unclaimed:

There are two swimming pools on the territory — one child, and the other is real. Both with hot water up to 27 Degrees. In the photo for children, behind him is an adult but he is not visible:

This is the entrance to the beach. Guards stand at the entrance and check the passes:

The ship in the background is a restaurant. He is on the beach. Through a loudspeaker, they announced that the menu of this restaurant includes Cuttlefish and Sea Devil., but I didn't have a chance to try them for good reasons:

This establishment is also located on the beach.. Here the wife drank tea 150 rubles per cup, since she has such a habit — to drink tea. I don't have such a habit, and that's why I drank beer 80 rubles for half a liter:

At the other end of the beach was the Proletarian Buffet, where the waitresses used to wear pioneer ties. But the prices there were not quite proletarian:

This is me on a walk:

And this is the wife. She liked the rest:

  May be interesting
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