MasterCard is preparing a revolutionary card – Display Card

Modern technologies have made it possible to use touch screens and keyboards not only on the mobile devices we are used to.. A striking example of the introduction of innovative technologies was shown to us by MasterCard, announced Display Card.

The novelty has a keyboard and LCD screen, and can also be used for credit and debit cards. And the creators promise, that there is no need to worry about the size of the Display Card, since they will be almost the same, like those cards, what are used now. The new product will significantly simplify the authentication system, and will also reduce interaction with online banking at the same time, without affecting the safety of working with "plastic".

In the future it is planned, that payment card screens will be able to display balance information, available bonuses, as well as recent operations. The first Display Cards will appear in January next year. Хотя серьезной альтернативой может стать Google Wallet и т.п. annexes. NFC technology does not stand still, and many believe, what is the future behind her.

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