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IMF against the KGB

(From myself:
It looks like royal gold. If the money is not returned, kgb will return to its methods, determine the structures from which it will be possible to return the money, will begin to put their own and remove by any means objectionable (blackmail murder bribery, like the good old days), as a result, they will form a puppet team that decides to pay everything back. And it won't be fast.
if many are not killed here “The caravan of Russian billionaires will pass along the roads of Moses. 15 famous Russian and foreign businessmen, many of which have billions of dollars, will make a walking pilgrimage through the desert with a final stop in Jerusalem. )

Exclusive interview with King World News (KWN) legendary trader Jim Sinclair (Jim Sinclair), of which the former head FED Volker (Volcker) once called for help during the Wall Street Crisis.
Jim Sinclair: “If someone thinks, what is the size of this reorganization $13 billion, then they went crazy. $130 billion is not at all the full amount of even Russian deposits in Cypriot banks. One important Russian businessman in his various businesses will keep on deposits $100 billion. 10% of all Cypriot deposits are $500 billion or more, because it is Cyprus, not Switzerland or the Cayman Islands - this is the Russian banking center.
The Cyprus Central Bank does not know the real size of Russian deposits at all, because they are kept secret at the request of the Russians. This is a secret banking system created by the Russians and for the Russians and the IMF just took a bite off this elephant..
Because of this, all attempts to shift the weight of bank insolvency onto the Russians ended in failure.. It was a great experiment, a real defining event - bank insolvency is shifted to the shoulders of depositors, instead of using quantitative easing ... "
“It is necessary to understand, what is not the point here $130 billion, real amounts are orders of magnitude higher. How much more will we never know, but these are huge amounts. We are talking about the Bank of Russia. Central Bank of Russia - for Russian citizens. The IMF has swung at the central bank of the Russian elite and the former KGB, and the Russians will not tolerate this..
When things started to unfold in Cyprus, major media did not understand the essence of this story. This is why I was interviewed by King World News., to explain, that the IMF just stole money from the Russian elite, former KGB officers.

  analysis of statistics part 2

Eric King: “Before we continue with this interview, people around the world must realize the historical significance of this legendary trader and his family. Sinclair's father's company, Bertha Seligman (Bert Seligman), controlled incredible 10% trade turnover on the New York Stock Exchange in the 1950s.
Sinclair was often in the company of his father in his youth., but started working in 1958 year. Bert Seligman and Jesse Livermore (Jesse Livermore) were business partners, and Seligman enjoys a truly legendary reputation. But Bert didn't only work with Livermore - Sinclair remembers, how his father told him stories about operations, which he led with Joe Kennedy (Joe Kennedy) (father of the president, later head of the Securities and Exchange Commission) in the stock and commodity markets in the 1920s and 30s.
Working with his father shaped his career and contributed to the, that he eventually became a legendary trader. Sinclair later received the nickname "Mister Gold", because he was considered the largest trader in the 1970s metal bull market., naming the peak of the market with an accuracy of the day.
When Wall Street was in jeopardy with a major breakout in gold and silver prices in 1980 year, she asked the Fed for help in the amount of $1 billion. This is a little known fact., but (Investment Banks) Bache and Merrill Lynch went bankrupt. At that moment, the reorganization of such a scale was difficult to imagine, but I had to do something.
Paul Volker, then head of the Federal Reserve System, singled out $1 billion on one condition - the Hunt Brothers were to use the services of Jim Sinclair to liquidate their giant position in silver, copper, zinc and gold ".
When things started to unfold in Cyprus, major media did not understand the essence of this story. This is why I was interviewed by King World News., to explain, that the IMF just stole money from the Russian elite, former KGB officers.

  End of the quarter :)

Although traditional media were late as always, flatters me, that they almost word for word repeat my words and use them in their reports. I've noticed, that when you published my second interview, which I gave earlier today, I have heard and read my own words almost verbatim from other sources already through 22 minutes. As i said, copying my words is the most sincere form of flattery today.

One of the consequences of all this will be, that the Russian elite will massively begin to throw off currencies and go into gold. In the near future, the Russian sovereign will support the price of gold and this will be beneficial to the Russian oligarchy. It will also bring Russian and Chinese financial interests closer together and, over time, free precious metals markets from Western price manipulation and influence..

Disaster, organized by the IMF in Cyprus, this is a historic event and the most important milestone in the history of the gold market. I am waiting now, what amounts of money, involved in these events, much more than those, talked about in the media, – and we will soon hear my words from other lips again ".

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