Manufactura and V. Saltykov. Memoirs :)

Stumbled upon the song `` Million House" performed by Viktor Saltykov. Remembered 1983 year, when the unknown group `` Manufactura" took first place, or on the first, or at the second festival of the Leningrad rock club. The Million House song" was recognized as the best song of the festival, and Saltykov is the best vocalist. I.e, the complete triumph of the Manufacture. The second place was shared by `` Aquarium" and & quot; Picnic & quot;, and the third place was taken by `` Russians ''. I didn’t get to the performance of the Manufactura in the rock club., but watched the final concert of the laureates at the Youth Palace.

This video 2011 of the year. Here already Saltykov is an adult, and then he was a thin boy with a squeaky voice, as he put it in the video :)

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