
The scandalous fame of the film directed by Zvyagintsev grows «Leviathan». This trashy libelous opus, presenting exclusively in a black light our state and the Orthodox Church, advertised and praised in every possible way by the liberal media and even nominated for international awards. In the same time, there is a growing public outcry across the country against the screening of this film. You know, that the harshest rebuke to him was given by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R.. Medinsky, representatives of traditional faiths, famous figures of culture and art. We join the sound judgment of all opponents of such «chernukha» in domestic cinema….
И т.д.


I don’t understand at all where they saw lies and slander? In the hinterland people don't drink vodka? Do not drink too much? Bosses, mayors and governors we have crystal honest people? Priests live in caves and huts, eating bread and water?

Serials, TV broadcasts on state channels are many times worse in terms of the reflected scale and levels of corruption, banditry, etc. Leviathan in comparison with these series looks just like an innocent melodrama.

Это наверное деятелям культуры просто завидно что movie получает зарубежные награды.

By the way, me the movie `` Fool" liked it more.

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