Film about algorithmic trading – Quantities: Wall Street Alchemists

original name: How many: the alchemists of wall street
Year: 2010
Duration: 50 minutes
Production: VPRO TV channel

"Quantum" is a slang term for mathematicians and programmers, who are involved in the global financial system. The most famous of them is Emanuel Derman, nicknamed Einstein of Wall Street., outstanding financial analyst, ex-Goldman Sachs employee. There's also Paul Wilmott, he is studying quantitative analysis, writes textbooks and warns traders against being overly addicted to numbers. In general, there are quite a lot of such people.. Columbia University now has a whole faculty, where the quanta are trained, although forty years ago this word was known only in a narrow environment, and it was almost a curse.

Documentary movie the Dutch project Tegenlicht is dedicated to the history of the appearance of quanta on the stock exchange and their role in shaping the market agenda. About two-thirds of it consists of direct speech by the participants in these events., and some of them do not show their faces to the camera, maintaining anonymity. Most of the rest of the time is taken up by mathematical formulas..

The authors tried to show financial mathematics from an unexpected side, trace its connection with the acute topic of the world crisis at that time (in particular, much attention is paid to the notorious CDO). A trained viewer from 2019 will hardly be surprised, however may be interested in subtleties and details. Newbies in the topic will learn a lot of useful things., although difficult for the perception of information.

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Algorithmic Trading Documentary

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