Puppeteers, кукл, fufl………..

Undoubtedly, Togo, who monitors the market in real time, can have thoughts of market control. This usually appears in cases of discrepancy between personal opinion and the development of the event of the market itself.. Usually,the smaller the time format, the more cases , controversial among traders.
The fact, what , as you know, only cash flow can guide the direction of a financial asset. This cash flow is not constant over time. The main cash flow comes from large players, who break their entry or exit from the market for a certain period of time. For example, one fund decided to buy 20 million shares, they are not bought for 1 a minute, the fund usually accumulates positions over time, say, on 1 month, that is, about 1 million per day. There is 2 way of execution, or by yourself through your desk, or give an order to your broker. In both cases, broker или фонд будут использовать алгоритмические методы VWAP Или TWAP , so as not to significantly affect the market and also in search of liquidity, which may not be present at certain times of the day.
On some parts of the day and in low-liquid assets, even small prop traders are able to move the asset. So who are the dolls?
As you noticed, the main trading volume falls on the first and last hour of the market, roughly speaking, since the main algorithms are precisely tuned for this time. Also , many large brokers executing orders of large funds, work according to this principle , especially, when the broker lacks order execution for the day, at the end of the day he aggressively fills the market order, otherwise, his client will not be satisfied. Therefore, we often see bursts or sharp drops at the closing due to, that brokers are completing orders aggressively with market orders.
Failure of stops: If you take any day and take thousands of traders, then there will always be those, who will say, that their stop is ripped off at the very peak or bottom, hence, this is not an objective argument in favor of willfulness. Or rather, suppose, that many traders own those analysis and usually place stops in clusters and therefore there is a surge,but since the stops are placed at certain extreme levels, it often coincides with, that the main cash flow is suspended.
Also, recently HFT has become widespread, which in turn added volatility and liquidity.
And as in the case of mega trends and mega dolls?
Well, if you have hundreds of billions of dollars and a constant flow of the same amount, to be placed in risky assets!!?? It is not posted for 1 month. Here you can turn on & quot; BUYOK & quot;, which will buy out the market in any strait, the same algorithms will use at least, as much as possible can be adjusted to any parameter of the market change.
Who are these mega-dolls?? Major known, but there are also those, who is not particularly keen on publicity. One of them and the largest in the world. Meet, colossus WALL STREET — BlackRock www2.blackrock.com/global/home/index.htm

Some facts about the company.
BlackRock controls more money, than the GDP of Germany. The largest fund management company in size $ 3 trillion 450billion Pays only commissions to investment banks $1 billion in 2010. Manages pension funds in the amount of $1.4 trillion of such states, like New York, New Jersey, California and others. Invests in American stocks and bonds $240 billions on behalf of the Central Banks of different countries and sovereign wealth funds of different countries, such as Abu Dhabi Investment. They account for a huge trading volume on various exchanges.. The US Treasury consults with them on the financial due diligence of private enterprises and manages toxic assets in the amount of $150 миллиардов от имени американских налогоплательщиков после выкупа AIG И Bear Stearns в 2008г.
BlackRock is the most influential financial institution in the world. 1988 like a small boutique, Bond Trader Compared To Goldman Sachs, они обычно в тени и не срывают тех финансовых и репутационных лавров.Голдман в большей степени ориентирован на Trading и у них управляющие зарабатывают значительно больше, than in BlackRock, although manage less funds BlackRock model is based on service fee, Goldman ranks and proprietor( proprietary) positions, however, but Goldman seems to have a more prestigious brand in the public mind.
BlackRock has a team of very strong analysts and risk professionals in the bond field and especially in the mortgage market.. They have been collecting data on the mortgage market since 1994.
BlackRock помог FED и казначейству США с выкупом Bear Stearns , and also AIG,Citigroup,Fannie Mae и Freadie Mac.
In 2010, the company is expected to start working $2 billion net on proceeds of $4.7 billion.
They became so large by eating other competitors such as State Street Research & Management в 2004G, in 2006 bought an investment block from Merryll Lynch, thus raising assets to $1 trillion. Then they bought Barclays. Also, cool, what did they do filing with the SEC on 5% shares in 1800 companies, which temporarily paralyzed the SEC database.
Soon, they are going to start trading , which will allow you to do matching and will allow them to reduce the commission, which they pay brokers.
Despite,that Goldman and Black have a partnership , they compete constantly.
As soon as the crisis broke out, Bernanke and Gainter were in constant contact with Fink, SAT DOWN, and other management companies. One of the first tasks for Black( chose Black, and not JPM, Goldman и Barclays) there was a rescue of the money-market fund from the Florida local government fund as the collapse of the mortgage market caused a huge outflow of funds from the fund. When Bear Streans went down in 2008, то Jamie Dimon,CEO of JPM, invited a team from 50 BlackRock analysts in order to evaluate Bear's assets. Geintner then offered to manage $30 billions of bad mortgages, which was isolated from Bear prior to the JPM sale. BlackRock played a similar role in the AIG cases.,Fannie Mae, Cold Mac.
BlackRock has earned a decent amount of money. This became known after, how Senator Chuck Grassley expressed outrage , that there was a lack of competitive bidding on government contracts and the possibility of a conflict of interest.. Black showed, what will they earn $120 million for 3 years by the FRS.

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Facts taken from Bloomberg Business.

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