Who is Katie Wood - lady, who conquered Wall Street

Who is Katie Wood — lady, who conquered Wall Street

"Stay on the Right Side of Change", - under this slogan Katie Wood promotes investment in innovation and technology. In the backpack of her investment company Ark Invest - shares of electric car manufacturers and developers of artificial intelligence, digital service providers and DNA researchers.

On the Forbes list of America's Independent Ladies 2020, Katie Wood is ranked 80th with a fortune $250 million. She's so popular with financiers, that Etsy sells T-shirts with her portrait and the inscription "In Cathie we trust". Katie became a Wall Street superstar in 2020 G. - how did she do it??

Katie founded her investment company at fifty-eight years old, at the moment she 65

She had a wealth of investment experience behind her back: at Jennison Associates, Wood was the main financier, Analyst, Portfolio Manager and Managing Manager, at AllianceBernstein, the principal investment leader for global thematic strategies. After that, how management did not support her thoughts of investing in disruptive innovations, Katie quit and 2014 G. founded her company - ARK Invest.

Katie Wood is a devout Christian, company name inspired by the Bible

However, the abbreviation ARK is made up of the words "Active Analysis of Knowledge", Katie told, that the title is inspired by the Bible, which she re-read a lot of times, when I was thinking about developing my own project. Аrk in translation from the British - "ark".

“I want to be on the right side of change. That's what ARK is like. "

ARK Invest manages five ETF, they are all focused on breakthrough innovation. Katie thinks, what needs to be invested in an artificial mind, Robotics, accumulation of energy, DNA sequencing, digital health care, blockchain and offline travel.

ARK Attachments - Netflix, Salesforce, Illumina, Square, Athenahealth, Tesla, Teladoc, Zoom, Palantir, Year, Zillow и Shopify.


1-years of ARK were not successful

To the end 2016 G. Katie's "ark" could not be called successful, the commission from the funds raised was not enough for costly spending. Wood spent a significant share of her own savings and sold significant stakes in ARK Invest to large organizations.

IN 2017 G. her fund eventually skyrocketed - assets grew by 10 once. IN 2018 G. Katy was listed Bloomberg 50, which consists of people from the field of business, entertainment industry, of money, Policy, technology and science, identified?? global business.

IN 2020 G. in the wake of the growth of the technology sector, the flagship ARK Innovation fund grew by almost 150%.

Katie is the star of the web

Wood is active on social media, popular with the Reddit society of financiers, takes part in podcasts, all monetary media are interested in her bold predictions.

One of the innovations of ARK itself is the publication of its own monetary research papers in the public domain.. Wood preaches the utmost openness: when a company meets in search of new investment ideas, any financier can join the Zoom call. This, persuasion of the head of ARK Invest, helps to build backpacks "from top to bottom": at first she describes promising topics in various industries, and then looks for companies, who work in them.

Wood buys bitcoins from 2015 of the year

She calls them "insurance policy" against the rise in the general level of prices.. In an interview with CNNBC, Wood said, that digital currency as a result can become part of the recommended backpack for ordinary financiers, partly replacing bonds.

She supported Donald Trump in the vote

She reported, that this decision was made "from a strictly financial point of view" - according to Wood, with Trump's promised low taxes, innovation spheres would develop better.

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The value of Tesla shares may rise to $7000

This will happen during the next 5 years, Kathy said in 2020 G. She often repeats, what the prize sees on the five-year horizon, and does not hide, who is a big Tesla fan - Elon Musk was a guest of her podcast.

Even the recent drop in tech stocks and, wherein, fall of ARK Invest funds, did not deprive Wood of the optimistic mood. "We are becoming more and more positive about our satchels.", she said and bought even more shares of innovative companies., also Tesla, on the drawdown.

Wall Street — wall of worry

When the Market Goes Down, Wood jokes: “We've got a beautiful wall of concern here.. The best wall to worry about stocks or the market, which I have ever experienced for my work activity ".

Her confidence in the future of innovative companies is not undermined even by weak financial performance.. “In fact, a miss on margin is good for us, because what it usually means? It means, that the company has decided to actively invest now, to benefit from this opportunity. And we think, what's right. They, who doesn't invest aggressively enough, who redeems their shares, uses its balances, pays dividends - they will lose ".

Recent major investments

Wood fund made a major purchase of shares of the gaming platform Roblox, as soon as she went public, investing about $36 million. Also ARK Innovation spent about $58 mln for shares of DraftKings - company, engaged in sports betting.

ARK Innovation ETF Flagship Fund (ARKK), increased over the year by 213,7%, ARK Next Generation Internet (ARKW) - on 220,7%. However, from February highs to March, they fell by about 30%, following the general decline in the tech sector, and then started climbing again

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